The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 1087 When something goes wrong, there must be a demon

Chapter 1087 When something goes wrong, there must be a demon

The pure water who failed to go to the scene is still waiting for the sisters to broadcast online.

But who would have thought that after one day, the Weibo was very calm, not even a splash.

Not only that, not even a hot search came up.

Except for the selfie that Jiang Xinye uploaded to Weibo at the beginning, there were no other photos of the scene.

I can't even find a photo of Quan Jing...

This is too abnormal!
The little fairy shouldn't be "fuzzy" like this.

There must be a demon in the abnormal situation.

So, something big must have happened at the anniversary celebration!
People just waited and waited until ten o'clock in the evening on the 2nd.

On the homepage of the Qingmang TV platform, a horizontal banner popping up "Quanjing [-]nd Anniversary Event Review".

Whether they are fans of Quanjing or not, there will always be one or two who will click in and take a look.

Without it, the photos advertised on the banners are simply eye-catching!

As soon as they entered, the stunning stage special effects filled the screen to tell the audience that the organizer was rich.

The moment Quan Rin appeared on the stage, many of his fans were screaming through the screen.

The barrage is full of "My brother is so handsome", "My brother looks at the little fairy so gentle", "My brother is so warm"...

When playing games, Quan Rin's helpless little eyes are not too murderous.

God, how can you be so milky!
And let no one live?
When Quan Jing privately called Quan Rin by his nickname, fans who knew the situation were full of "hahaha" on the bullet screen, and passers-by who didn't know why looked at Quan Rin's handsome face on the screen with puzzled expressions.

Where is my brother getting fat?

The screen was full of laughter, there was the first chorus of the little fairy and her younger brother, and there was a surprise solo dance by the little fairy...

Just when everyone thought the event had ended successfully, what Quan Jing said next gave a blow to the fans who watched the recording online.

Her words "Farewell" still echoed in her ears.

No wonder the theme of the second anniversary celebration is called farewell, which is what it means.

On the screen, Quan Jing's small face was full of earnestness and seriousness, and his eyes blushed with tears.

She used the cruelest language to talk about the most painful topics for fans.

After tonight, I'm afraid it will be another sleepless night for countless people.

Sadness is inevitable.

For some people, I am afraid that they are eager to withdraw from the circle.

On the stage, Quan Jing tried her best to maintain a smile and made a promise with the fans.

Even though they were reluctant to give up, the pure water staff at the scene still answered "yes" with tears in their eyes.

They agreed to the two-year agreement.

The screen full of barrage is also fans' response to Quan Jing.

The most touching thing is the sentence "Little Fairy, we will wait for your return".

After cutting the cake, in the last scene of the camera, Quan Jing stood there, watching the last spectator leave.

A very sad picture.

After watching the show, many people could not recover for a long time.

How could this be?
Now, more than half of the pure water people already understand why there is no news on Weibo.

Who wants to bring up such a sad topic?

After the show was broadcast, Pure Water discovered that Han Dongqing had posted a Weibo.

Han Dongqing V: [#quanjing#Thank you for meeting, thank you for your company, two years of appointment, we will meet again (picture jpg)]

The photo is a live photo of Quan Jing's second anniversary.

Quan Jing, the host Yang Qing, Quan Rin, Han Dongqing and all the fans who came to the scene took a group photo together.

The ten big characters hanging on the banner reflect the mood of pure water workers.

"Loving someone with one heart is like pure water."

(End of this chapter)

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