Chapter 1106

After Quan Jing finished humming, Sheng Ke asked for the first time: "Quan Jing, this song..."

Quan Jing's eyebrows and eyes were curved, like a child asking for candy from an adult: "How is it? Ake, how do you feel?"

Sheng Ke frowned, and said truthfully, "It's a little sad."

Quan Jing clapped his hands: "By the way, this is a bitter love song."

Sheng Ke: "???"

But obviously, Quan Jing didn't mean to say more to her.

Firstly, Sheng Ke didn't understand these things; secondly, "Jade Seal Palace" was being filmed, and the show hadn't aired yet, so she couldn't leak the news in advance...

Put away the sheet music and plan to fill in the lyrics when I have free time next time.

Holding the collected sheet music, Quan Jing got up and looked back: "A Ke, Sister Han has arranged a new job for me. We will go to the company after dinner."

Sheng Ke nodded: "Okay."

Tianyin Media.

Han Dongqing's eyes were shrewd.

She spent these days, and there finally gave her a positive answer.

Not to mention the others, Queen's Fashion Week, this is a cornerstone of the identification of the right net in the fashion circle.

She has to take it no matter what.

Yes, Quan Jing's image may not match the "queen", but she can play a different kind of queen!
She believes in Quan Jing.

Fortunately, the other party was willing to give Quan Jing a chance, otherwise, she would really vomit blood.

When Quan Jing and Sheng Ke arrived, Han Dongqing was engrossed in looking at the computer, typing something quickly with her fingertips.

The office door was not closed, but Quan Jing still knocked on the door habitually.

Hearing the knock on the door, Han Dongqing didn't raise his head: "Come in."

Quan Jing glanced back at Sheng Ke, stepped in, and called sweetly, "Sister Han."

Hearing the call, Han Dongqing stopped typing on the keyboard. She turned her eyes and looked towards Quan Jing: "Here I am, wait for me for a while."

While speaking, her subordinates moved faster.

Quan Jing sat obediently on the sofa and waited.

10 minute later.

Han Dongqing finished the matter at hand, got up, picked up the mobile phone on the table, walked to the single sofa next to Quan Jing, and sat down.

With a serious face, Han Dongqing told Quan Jing about the Queen's Fashion Week.

Just the "Queen's Fashion Week" made Quan Jing feel a little bit taken aback.

Subconsciously, she wanted to pick her ears out, as if she felt that this action was indecent, but Quan Jing held back.

But, she was still shocked inside.

Did she hear it right?
Queen Fashion Week!
This fashion week, she had heard Wen Shuwan mention it, and Wen Shuwan had been to the scene when she was still in the shadows.

She is well aware of the influence of this fashion week, and also knows what it means to be a star in this fashion week.

Quan Jing was very serious: "Sister Han, what do you mean..."

Han Dongqing said without hesitation: "Yes, I want you to participate in this Queen's Fashion Week."

Quan Jing opened his mouth wide and remained silent for a long time.

She really didn't know what to say.

Han Dongqing didn't wait for her to speak, and continued, "I've already contacted the organizer of Fashion Week, and they said they'll give you a chance, so Quan Jing, come on!"

Hearing these words, Quan Jing blinked her eyes, but her heart was full of panic.

Let her go to Queen's Fashion Week?No, is she qualified...

Han Dongqing, who had no idea what Quan Jing was thinking, continued to mutter.

However, Quan Jing didn't listen to the whole process.

Her mind has been completely filled with "Queen's Fashion Week".

She didn't even doubt herself in her heart.

Xu Shi realized that Quan Jing was not listening to her after talking for a long time, so Han Dongqing stopped and called out, "Quan Jing?"

(End of this chapter)

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