Chapter 1116
Chen Jinsong secretly helped his eyebrows from behind.

Why is this guy so unreliable!
He hurriedly reminded Yang Bin and told him to smooth things over.

Yang Bin, who received the subpoena, smiled to ease the atmosphere: "Brother Sheng really knows how to joke. So, can you tell the audience what you were thinking when you sang this song?"

Chu Hansheng lowered his eyes, and there was a picture in his mind.

In the picture, he is still a boy of seventeen or eighteen years old.

It was an afternoon, under a cherry tree in full bloom, he was full of joy and ready to confess to the girl he liked, but in the end...

Thinking of this, Chu Hansheng laughed at himself.

The camera captures this scene well.

He was thinking of someone else, but Qin Jing's fans thought he was laughing at their goddess.

There was a commotion on the spot.

Especially, when they heard that someone wanted Chu Hansheng to apologize to Qin Jing, the ginger fans got angry.

Nima, do you want to nod your face?

Chu Hansheng always said what he said and was never restrained.

Hearing what the fans said, he sneered and said bluntly: "I'm sorry, your goddess, I don't like it."

Qin Jing looked sideways, and squeezed the hand holding the microphone slightly.

How could he not give her face in the show?
Is he still a man?

Chu Hansheng turned his head and met Qin Jing's slightly hurt eyes.

He looked away coldly, not looking at her at all.

It's not that there are female stars who want to be fired as CP with him, but she is the only one who is so disgusting as Qin Jing, as if he did something terribly sorry for her.

Jennifer looked at this scene, then at Qin Jing, and shook her head.

Yang Bin saw that the scene seemed to be more out of control, and quickly controlled the field: "Okay, thank you for your wonderful sharing. The next couple, guess who they are?"


Part of the audience was diverted.

Before everyone could breathe out their expectations, Yang Bin who received the prompt continued the cue process: "The group that will appear next, they are... Lin Jiu and He Shiwen, I invite the two of you to bring a medley of songs."

At the beginning, there was a very brisk tune, and the choreography, the two of them sang and danced at the same time. After 1 minute, the style of the song changed, it was a fast song, and the two had strong adaptability, especially Lin Jiu's rap, which made the audience shout "Wow ~", another minute and a half In the past, a DJ song completely ignited the entire stage.

Lin Jiu and He Shiwen had a great time singing. At the last second of the accompaniment, the two turned back to back and turned sideways to face the audience.

There was a scream of "ahhhh" from the audience.

This group is simply hilarious, okay?

"Lin Jiu! Lin Jiu!"

"Wenwen is great! She sings so well."


The two of them played together, and the three songs came down, completely resolving the embarrassing situation before.

Yang Bin walked up to the two, praised first, and then asked, "How did you come up with the idea to sing these three songs in such an order?"

Mixing songs together, mixing them well and singing them well will test the singer's ability.

If he didn't know that the two of them really only collaborated on the song "Butterfly", Yang Bin would suspect that they are a regular team.

Look this time, how good is the singing?They ignited the scene directly.

Lin Jiu made a "please" gesture to He Shiwen, vividly interpreting the junior's gesture.

He Shiwen smiled: "Actually, this is Jiujiu's suggestion. I just strung together the lyrics coherently on this basis."

Lin Jiu scratched his head aside, a little embarrassed.

Yang Bin said straightly, "So it is."

Jennifer, who was not far away, raised the microphone...

(End of this chapter)

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