The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 112 New Journey, New Sail

Chapter 112 New Journey, New Sail

The past is too long ago...

There are many unhappy things, in fact, she can't remember clearly.

In life, there will always be a few unsatisfactory things.

If she had to care about everything, she would have been pissed off sooner or later.

Wen Shuwan patted Quan Jing's head, her voice was like water: "Quanquan, in everything, you have to think of the best. Look, so many people are praising you, Mommy is very proud."

Knowing that she just didn't get used to it for a while, Wen Shuwan didn't force her, but persuaded her persuasively: "Mum knows, you don't like to bring these private matters to the public... You have to know, there must be something wrong with Diyi Academy doing this." its consideration."

Earnest teachings, such as enlightenment, suddenly awakened Quan Jing.

She finally raised a bright smile, like a pearl in the sea, bright and dazzling.

She didn't hide it anymore, went back to her room, took out the admission notice, took a picture of her holding the admission notice of Diyi University, and sent it to Moments.

Circle 3 circles: [New journey, new start (picture jpg)]

Quan Jing in the photo is wearing a matcha green floral suspender dress, which is very fresh.

Her slightly curly long hair was scattered over her shoulders, and air bangs covered a small part of her eyebrows, but they couldn't stop her flourishing beauty in the slightest.

Holding the acceptance letter, she smiled slightly with her eyebrows bent, and the small dimples on both sides of her cheeks made her look extraordinarily sweet!
This is the first time Quan Jing posted a selfie in Moments. For a while, likes, likes, comments, comments, so lively...

Sister Yinyin: [Whose little fairy is this, let me give you a kiss, okay~]

Fat Rin: [Aww!This is my sister, my dear sister! 】

Momo: [Jingzi is awesome, I will call you crazy]

Second Uncle: [Quanquan posted a selfie, decisively collect it]

Teacher Yao: [Congratulations]

Nangong Mo: [Miss Sister is awesome!Worship ing]

Sister Han: [like you]


Suddenly, in a large wave of comments, there was a...

Handsome daddy: [My circle is so beautiful (proud face)]

Quan Jing: "..."

Without going through those comments again, Quan Jing put away the admission notice.

Little did they know, just because of her sudden burst of photos, the Quan family group, which was originally a stagnant pool, exploded in an instant!
Waiting for Quanjing to take back the phone again, only to see the 99+ increasing numbers.

This time, she didn't ignore it.

Anyway, it's also a family group.

She opened it up.

Quan Jing: "..." I saw a series of news about Aite and her.

She subconsciously patted her hand and called you a bitch, why did you click on it!
I have seen it all, so I can't pretend not to see it.

It took her a few minutes to read all the messages before replying with a voice.

Then, she didn't care.

She knows very well that the relatives on the side of grandparents are too annoying!

It's better...fuck halfway and run away.

They're all used to it anyway.


After Quan Jing finished sending that voice message, the old man of the Quan family followed up with a sentence: "Okay, we're all gone, don't bother Quanquan if you have nothing to do."

Gradually, the WeChat group returned to its previous calm.

Quan Jing sighed, put his phone there to charge, and went to the piano room on the third floor.

There is still a small part of the original song she prepared that needs to be finished, and she needs to get it done as soon as possible.

old house.

Nangong Yuting stepped into the living room, and saw Nangong Mo sitting there, staring at the mobile phone with ecstasy.

He raised his hand to interrupt the butler's voice, and walked towards Nangong Mo with light steps.

Lowering his head slightly, he saw the enlarged photo on the screen of his mobile phone...

(End of this chapter)

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