The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 1124 She Isn't Charitable

Chapter 1124 She Isn't Charitable
I swipe my fingertips on the screen several times, and the video is finally taken off the shelf.

Now, Qin Jing stood up from the sofa.

How can it be!

Song Zhen who came in from the outside looked at Qin Jing and asked casually, "What's wrong with you?"

Qin Jing came back to her senses, and called out dully: "Sister Zhen."

Song Zhen didn't think much, just told her about the arrangements for the announcement later.

Qin Jing responded one way or another.

Noticing her strangeness, Song Zhen frowned, and said in a slightly uncomfortable tone: "Qin Jing."

With a sudden shout, Qin Jing raised her head, but said something besides: "Sister Zhen, I have something to do today, please adjust the announcement later..."

Before Song Zhen could respond, Qin Jing had already left the lounge with her bag.

Looking at her back, Song Zhen really showed obvious anger on his face at the moment.

She thought that Qin Jing had changed, but in the end, the essence of human beings was there, so how could it be possible to change easily?

It was she who overestimated her.

Qin Jing, who left the company, ran all the way.

Thinking that Tang Rushi gave her the USB flash drive, she took out her mobile phone and called Tang Rushi.

As a result, the phone was connected, but no one answered.

Qin Jing rubbed the center of her eyebrows, not believing in evil, and hit her again.

This time, when the phone was about to hang up, the phone was picked up, but it was a boy's voice: "Hello?"

Qin Jing was confused: "Hi, I'm looking for Tang Rushi..."

Before she finished speaking, the other party suddenly became excited: "Jingjing! Is it really you Jingjing? I'm your loyal fan, I..." Barabara was talking nonsense.

There are a row of question marks on Qin Jing's forehead.

No, what's going on here?
She should have made the right call.

After logging out of the phone and looking at the notes on the phone, it was really Tang Rushi.

But over the phone...

Qin Jing struggled again and again, but hung up the phone without saying a word.

As everyone knows, on the other end of the phone.

Tang Rushi just came out after washing her hair when she saw her cousin holding her mobile phone.

She was displeased: "Ahao, who told you to touch my phone?"

The boy named Ah Hao hastily put down his phone, but he was still thinking about his sweetheart.

But he said: "Cousin, um, you just got a new call on your mobile phone, so I answered it for you..."

Picking up the phone and looking at the call records, only Qin Jing was the one who called her just now.

Tang Ru replied, and then warned Ah Hao: "I will help you arrange the work, as for other things, you can figure out your own way."

I don't know what her aunt thinks, her son didn't live up to it, not to mention he didn't get into high school, and after graduating from junior high school, he stayed at home for a few months and spent almost all of the family's money, but he wanted to come out to earn money.

Oh, what else to say, she works in the entertainment industry and knows a lot of people, so let her help find a job.

She is not doing charity.

She knows how the aunt's family treats her.

Besides, her cousin is not a good guy...

However, Tang Ru is very clear.

If she doesn't help with this job, maybe my aunt will say something about her behind her back.

Over the years, she hadn't known how many times she had been stabbed in the back.

Ah Hao let out a sullen "Oh" and didn't say anything more.

He knew that Tang Ru really didn't like him.

But he just likes to get close to her.

Who made her a big star!By her side, he can meet other stars.

Maybe there is still a chance to meet his family, Jingjing.

But he never thought that Tang Rushi would announce his retirement at this juncture.

How can this be!

(End of this chapter)

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