The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 1129 "Unique 1 No 2"

Chapter 1129 "Unique"

Originally, one of them composed music and the other wrote lyrics, just in case.

Unexpectedly, the competition was actually a combination of playing and singing.

This is cheaper for the siblings.

After all, Quan Jing's piano level has reached level ten!

Even if it's a rubbish song, once the tenth-level fingerplaying sound comes out, it can get some points.


The smooth sound of the piano spread throughout the venue.

The combination of Quan Jing's low-pitched female voice and Quan Rin's magnetic low-key male voice is amazing.


Your existence
is unique
my future
no longer a blank

your love

buried deep in my heart
you are my irreplaceable
The song "Unique", with moving lyrics and in place emotion, made the judges applaud without hesitation.

Judge [-]: "Good! The singing is so beautiful."

Judge [-]: "This song is well sung, and the piano is played well, not bad."

Judge [-]: "..."

A group of people praised in turn, and finally turned their eyes to Zhao Chenjun who was sitting in the middle.

To be honest, the moment Quan Jing sat down to play the piano, Zhao Chenjun didn't care.

Even if Quan Rin spoke, he was absent-minded.

Until the harmony between the two came out, he got goose bumps all over his body.

He had never heard such a tacit coordination of voices, it was a perfect connection and impeccable.

In the first half, he didn't pay attention, but after the second half, he felt regretful in his heart.

Why didn't he record the song on the spot?
Careless, too careless!
"It sounds so good!"

The sudden sound startled Zhao Chenjun.

He lowered his head, and saw a little girl crawling out from under his feet, still holding... his mobile phone?
Seeing Nuonuo crawling out from under the table, the other judges quickly made room for her.

This is Mr. Zhao's own younger sister, so she can't be neglected.

Although, the little girl is only eight years old.

Zhao Chenjun slowed down, rubbing the center of his brows, with a helpless expression on his face: "Nuo Nuo, what are you doing?"

Nuonuo put her little hands behind her back at once, for fear that Zhao Chenjun would snatch her phone.

Zhao Chenjun's head hurt even more.

This girl, does she know that she is holding his mobile phone?
He was wondering just now why his cell phone disappeared.

The judges couldn't bear to interrupt the brothers and sisters, but Quan Jing and Quan Rin on the stage had also finished singing, and it was time for the next group.

One of the round-faced judges said with a smile, "Mr. Zhao, what do you think of this group?"

Quan Jing and his brother looked at each other, wondering what kind of medicine these people were selling in the gourd.

Also, after the competition, shouldn't the judges score or have other comments?
Weird, so weird.

In the next second, Zhao Chenjun snapped the document in front of him, and pointed at the two people on the stage: "That's all."

Quan Jing: "???"

Quan Rin: "???"

The judges were so happy that they almost set off firecrackers to celebrate.

Afterwards, the siblings, who were still in a daze, saw Zhao Chenjun waving at a person and pointing at them.

Not long after, a man in a suit and leather shoes came in front of them.

Inside the open folder is an endorsement contract.

Zhao Chenjun didn't think they would not sign, so he said directly: "Sign it, you won't lose money from my endorsement."

Quan Jing's good-tempered one just smiled and didn't speak.

On the side, Quan Rin slammed the folder shut, very angry inside, but with a smirk on his face: "Is this the real purpose of holding this competition?"

Fortunately, he thought he had found a competition to sing on the same stage with his sister, so he was still complacent.

did not expect……

(End of this chapter)

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