The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 1135 The plaintiff became the defendant

Chapter 1135 The plaintiff became the defendant
The court sent someone to contact her. Xia Ranxi's attitude was very tough. She would not apologize, let alone compensate.

On the contrary, she also filed a lawsuit in the court, accusing He Jiayi of creating something out of nothing and forcibly taking away the design results of others...

The plaintiff became the defendant, and the defendant became the plaintiff.

Courts have seen many such cases.

However, the specifics will have to wait until after the court session to make a conclusion.

This wave of operations by Xia Ranxi was completely out of He Jiayi's control.

He thought that a little girl would be in his hands every minute, let alone cause a lawsuit.

But he didn't expect that people are so stubborn?

To sue him in turn?

Oh, how naive.

He immediately sent a message to his assistant and uploaded the information he had prepared in advance to Weibo.

It is still published with the account designed by Chenguang.

The meaning of the whole microblog is nothing more than that their design drawings for the next season's clothing design were stolen, and the finished product was made in advance, all kinds of blah blah...

As soon as it was posted on Weibo, the clothes labeled as "pirated finished products" became the target of public criticism, and Quan Jing was also complained about.

Even more irrelevant people questioned her why she wore clothes designed by pirated designers.

Quan Jing who learned about this: "???" Are these people out of their minds?

But then again, she was ridiculed by the crowd for wearing "pirated designs", so isn't the designer herself...

Without further ado, Quan Jing played a WeChat voice call to Xia Ranxi.

The other party didn't know if she was looking at her mobile phone. As soon as she dialed it, the other end picked it up, a little breathless: "Hello? Little Fairy, what's the matter?"

Quan Jing made up the scene of Xia Ranxi being chased and intercepted by a group of people in his mind, and couldn't help trembling, and even said a word, taking care of her emotions: "Ran Xi, are you okay?"

At this time, Xia Ranxi was sorting out her brother's manuscripts at home.

The year is not very long, but the house is very messy and it is very troublesome to find it.

She ran up and down flipping through for a long time, only to find two manuscript books.

But she clearly remembered that her brother had the habit of organizing the finished manuscripts in a small box, but why couldn't she find that small box?

Xia Ranxi picked up her phone and clicked on her wechat chat history with her brother.

The last news was five years ago, the night before my brother's accident.

It was hard for her to imagine what kind of mood her brother was in when he sent her this message.

Brother: [Xixi, I'm sorry, my brother is leaving, you have to take good care of yourself in the future, and... I'm sorry]

When she saw the news at the time, she still felt very strange.

Unexpectedly, within two days, she received the news that her brother had committed suicide by jumping off a building.

At that moment, her whole body collapsed.

Enduring her grief to deal with her brother's funeral, Xia Ranxi paid attention to that session of the designer competition.

Because this is the game that my brother wants to participate in.

What she didn't expect was that she saw her brother's work in the competition, but the signature was a man named He Jiayi.

Xia Ranxi only found out later that He Jiayi and Xia Ranchen were seniors at the same school.

Naively, she thought that the other party was helping her brother realize his dream, and she was grateful to him in her heart.

But later, she discovered that everything was a conspiracy.

In addition to the works in the competition, He Jiayi launched several costume designs later, all of which were designed by Xia Ranchen!

Because of this, He Jiayi was favored by the current Chenguang Design, and his journey has been smooth until today...

The ringtone of WeChat interrupted Xia Ranxi's thoughts.

(End of this chapter)

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