The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 1138 Losing the Case

Chapter 1138 Losing the Case
Knowing that He Jiayi is shameless, but not knowing that he is so shameless.

Return the previous design draft?
Which of those clothes was not designed by my brother?

No, the finished product in the past two months is not my brother's design style...

He Jiayi's lawsuit, because Xia Ranxi had sufficient evidence, he lost the lawsuit.

Even so, he did not admit that it was not his work.

It is only said that the design drawings are similar, and they are too similar. He mistook them and mistook them for his own design drawings.

Disgusted by his shameless words, Xia Ranxi almost vomited out her breakfast.

How can a person be so shameless?
After halftime.

in the afternoon.

It was Xia Ranxi's turn to accuse He Jiayi.

Still the lawyer.

As soon as you come up, you will submit the prepared materials to the judge for review.

He Jiayi thought that Xia Ranxi was suing himself, but when he heard the name "Xia Ranchen", he stood up from the chair with a jerk.

The movement was a bit loud, which caused the judge to knock on the gavel in displeasure: "Defendant, please be quiet, it's not time for you to speak yet."

Xia Ranxi saw He Jiayi's actions, and there was a hint of hatred in her eyes.

If it wasn't for him, my brother wouldn't have died...

Nor would she be completely an orphan.

You remember that when my brother got his first salary, he happily shared his joy with her.

Even when the design drawings came out, my brother said: "Xixi, when my brother saves enough money, we will change to a bigger house..."

That blueprint is Feng Yu Ling.

She clearly remembered that when her brother was talking, there was light in his eyes.

At that time, she was still in school, and her brother was busy with work, so they didn't have much time to see each other.

Later, when she saw her brother again.

In his eyes, he seemed to lose his spirit.

But when she asked, he changed back to his caring brother, patted her head, and told her to study hard and not worry about him, he was fine.

But she could see that he was not doing well.

Later, she received the message from her brother.

Within two days, she received a call from the hospital.

God knows, she was trembling all over while waiting outside the operating room.

She was too scared, afraid that her brother would leave her too...

But in the end, God still took him away.

She doesn't even know what happened to her brother?Why did he commit suicide?Did he forget the agreement between them?
They haven't moved into the big house yet, they...


A loud noise awakened Xia Ranxi's meditation.

She raised her eyes and looked towards the source of the sound.

I saw He Jiayi trying to leave that square place in vain.

It's a pity that it's time for the court session and he can't leave.

He was forced to suppress him, and pointed at Xia Ranxi with scarlet eyes: "You... OK, Xia Ranxi, I will remember you."

Xia Ranxi was at a loss, not knowing what happened.

After the lawyer came over and said a few words, she realized that just now, the lawyer had laid out all the evidence, and He Jiayi was helpless and admitted it.

He broke the pot and smashed it. He didn't feel guilty about taking other people's achievements. Instead, he looked very complacent: "Yes, I used his design drafts, but so what? If it wasn't for me, his design drawings would still be the same. I don’t know when it will be released. Heh, I really think I can, but I’m playing around like a fool..."

Xia Ranxi was angry when she heard these words.

Her brother is the best brother in the world, yet He Jiayi slandered him like that.


(End of this chapter)

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