The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 114 It Really Is Her Style

Chapter 114 It Really Is Her Style

No one would complain about Mu Yunchen's departure.

After all, everyone in the industry knows Mu Yunchen's aloofness and reticence.

In other words, with Mu Yunchen's international influence, he didn't have to attend this press conference.

However, in order not to disappoint the fans, he still came.

Otherwise, with his exorbitant appearance fee of tens of millions per minute, ordinary people really can't afford it...

The organizers have allocated so much time for their interviews, and there are so many reporters on site, it is not enough!
But that newcomer reporter didn't do their homework before the interview, and just shortened their interview time.

The crowd could only look at Mu Yunchen's back and sigh.

At the backstage exit, Xiao Yu, who had been guarding there all the time, saw Mu Yunchen coming out, and immediately followed him: "Brother Mu."

Mu Yunchen responded and said, "Go back to Jingyuan."

Xiao Yu opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but seeing Mu Yunchen's face, he was sensible and didn't say anything.

On the way back to Jingyuan, through the rearview mirror, Xiao Yu saw Mu Yunchen with his eyes closed, with an indescribable sadness on his brows.

Brother Mu... what are you worried about?


"Xiao Yu, go and find out what happened in Quanquan recently."

At first, Xiao Yu didn't realize who Quanquan was.

When he came back to his senses, he didn't even need to look into it, he just said to Mu Yunchen: "Brother Mu, Miss Quan Jing has been admitted by Diyi Academy."

The moment she knew that Quan Jing was accepted by Di Yi, Xiao Yu had completely become her fan.

In particular, Quan Jing is so beautiful and speaks so softly...

As a result, when he was reporting to Mu Yunchen, his eyes were shining with stars.

Mu Yunchen, who had been resting with his eyes closed, opened his eyes suddenly, and sat up abruptly: "Huh? You said that Quanquan was admitted to Diyi?"

Xiao Yu nodded frantically: "Yes, yes!"

Mu Yunchen, who was paying attention to Quan Jing's test of God, did not notice Xiao Yu's abnormality.

He was just like a normal person. When he learned that his niece was admitted to a good university, as an uncle, he was sincerely happy for her.

The first thing he did was to open WeChat and send a big red envelope to Quan Jing.

After finishing the matter, he was afraid that Quan Jing would not accept it, so he sent a special sentence.

After staring at Quan Jing's profile picture for a while, Mu Yunchen clicked on her Moments on a whim...

Then, Mu Yunchen, who never commented in the circle of friends, typed the word "Come on".

As soon as he finished sending, a call came in on his cell phone.

Seeing the word "Guard Wei" jumping on the screen, Mu Yunchen raised his eyebrows.

After a short pause, he swipe to answer: "Hello, Director Wei?"

On the opposite side, a rough middle-aged male voice sounded: "Hey, Yun Chen, what, the day after tomorrow is the launching ceremony of "Youth with You, No Regrets", have you not forgotten?"

Mu Yunchen: "How come, I always remember it."

Wei Dongxu laughed twice, not embarrassed.

The two chatted for a while before ending the call.

Mu Yunchen shook his head, feeling a little helpless.

After opening WeChat again, Mu Yunchen found that there was a new reply to his comment just now.

There is a cute little emoji behind the well-regulated sentence "Thank you, Uncle Yunchen".

It really is her style.

Mu Yunchen smiled lightly.

Little did they know that what they saw as a normal conversation was like thunder rolling in Han Dongqing's side...

Anyway, having been in the entertainment industry for years, it's not uncommon for Han Dongqing to have Mu Yunchen's WeChat.

However, neither of them may have cared.

So much so that when Han Dongqing saw that there was a new notification in Moments, she was stunned for a moment.

Click in and take a look... She is even more confused!
(End of this chapter)

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