Chapter 1151

The girl stared at her with big innocent eyes, and those eyes were full of expectation.

Nalanyin coughed twice solemnly, straightened his neckline, sat upright, and pretended to be thinking: "Overall, it's not bad, it's just..."

Speaking of this, Nalanyin deliberately paused, and from the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of Quan Jing swallowing his saliva.

She stabilized, and continued: " house is so beautiful, I am so proud of it!"

This is not her exaggeration.

At this year's Queen's Fashion Week, many businessmen and predators like Jian Zhi, noble princesses and socialites like Isabella, and internationally renowned supermodels and actresses like Cindy and Avril came to the scene. .

There are so many actresses, it is not an exaggeration to say that they are bright stars.

Among these people, the young Quan Jing has a unique age advantage.

At the age of 22, she has a touch of playfulness in her pretty appearance, even if she is standing in the crowd, she cannot be ignored.

In particular, she, who was well dressed, caught people's attention in an instant.

I haven't seen how foreign media describe Quanjing.

At first glance, she looks like a fairy.

However, Quan Jing's fluent English gave her extra points.

Facing the camera, she is gentle, generous, confident and bright.

Girls who love to laugh are not bad luck.

Quan Jing, who has been praised since she was a child, was also taken aback when she heard Nalanyin praise her like this: "Sister Yinyin, it's not as exaggerated as you said."

Nalanyin raised her eyebrows: "What? My Jingzai is a beautiful little fairy, who dares to say otherwise?"

Quan Jing: "..."

Without worrying too much about whether she is beautiful or not, Quan Jing talked about the business: "Sister Yinyin, did you make a video call to me before?"

When this matter was mentioned, Nalanyin immediately became serious, and said with a serious face: "Quanquan, do you know Xia Ranxi?"

Having known Nalanyin for these years, Quan Jing knew very well that the other party would only call her by her nickname when she was serious. However, she never expected that Nalanyin would suddenly mention Xia Ranxi.

She was puzzled for a while, then nodded slightly: "Yes, I know, what's the matter?"

Nalanyin: "Why didn't you mention this to me?"

Quan Jing is very innocent: "You didn't ask me either."

Nalanyin almost jumped up from the sofa.

Forget it, it's not too late to know now.

After learning about Xia Ranxi from Quan Jing, Nalanyin fell silent.

She seems to have sniffed out some bad news...

Quan Jing didn't think much about it, and after confirming that Nalan Yin had nothing else to do with her, she left first.

On the sofa, Nalanyin frowned slightly, but she couldn't figure out what it was.

After going to the Queen's Fashion Week, Han Dongqing found out that the people who wanted to cooperate with Quan Jing were not limited to those who called her.

There are no less than hundreds of endorsements in Xiaochen's hands.

She screened one by one, eliminating some of the endorsements of small companies.

Judging from Quanjing's current popularity, there is no shortage of fashion resources for the time being.

"Ring ring ring." The phone rang.

Han Dongqing picked it up and saw that it was Xu An, the person in charge of Yijia skin care products.

Without hesitation, she swipe to answer.

Xu An's voice came from the opposite side: "Hi, Ms. Han, I'm Xu An. That's it. Regarding the endorsement, our company would like to know more about Ms. Quan Jing's views. Look, when is Quan Jing free?" , so we can meet and talk?"

Han Dongqing complained about the other party's sophistication in her heart, but she said: "That's it, let me check Quan Jing's schedule, can I reply to you later?"

Xu An: "Okay, I'll wait for your news, goodbye."

When Han Dongqing hung up the phone, Quan Jing came in.

(End of this chapter)

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