The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 1156 "One Step Away"

Chapter 1156 "One Step Away"

Into September, the days gradually cool up.

this day.

The sky began to drizzle.

The cool autumn wind blew by, and pedestrians in unlined clothes only felt refreshed for a while.

These days, Quan Jing's schedule is very full.

In addition to various endorsements, Han Dongqing gave her a few episodes of TV dramas, movie theme songs... and even a director called her, wanting to find Quan Jing to make a movie.

The original "Emperor Nine Phoenixes" made many people witness Quan Jing's growth.

Although Quan Jing is not from a major, she is smart and eager to learn, and she is willing to endure hardships on the set. After being NG once, she will not make a second mistake on the same question. Which director doesn't like such an actor?
A pile of scripts were sent to Han Dongqing, so she had no choice but to ask Quan Jing to come over and take a look.

Among all the scripts, Quan Jing finally chose only one, called "One Step Away".

"One Step Away" tells the story of the heroine Xiao Yao who has had a music dream since she was a child. On the way to pursue her dream, she took steps one step at a time. During this period, she encountered countless setbacks. Be the most beautiful existence at the top of the music!
This TV series is very inspirational, and at the same time, it also meets Quan Jing's conditions for continuing to sing.

After these things, Han Dongqing mentioned another thing to Quan Jing.

The company decided to hold a solo concert for her.

Quan Jing: "Personal concert?"

Han Dongqing looked serious: "Yes, considering that your announcement is relatively full now, the concert is scheduled for the end of the year, and we will adjust it later if there are circumstances."

Quan Jing thought about it, and felt that it was time to give some benefits to the fans.

She nodded: "Okay, I have no problem here."

After graduating and returning to the entertainment industry, her live broadcast stopped.

It's not that she forgot the promise she had made with her fans, it's just that... she was so busy that she couldn't take care of it at all.

It was unavoidable that the fans in the live broadcast room had conflicts, so she took the time to go online and explained the reason to everyone.

I also said that she will focus on work in the future, and everyone can pay more attention to her works.

Including various new albums, she is also in preparation.

Another one, "Just Because of You" is about to start broadcasting, and Pure Water has another program to catch up with.

While appeasing the fans, Quan Jing felt a little sorry for Nangong Yuting.

After all, they hadn't seen each other for a long time.

Except for a good morning when I get up in the morning, and a good night after work is over, there are no more words...

Today, she managed to spare two hours.

Quan Jing called someone.

Lingyun Group.

meeting room.

A group of people trembled with fear.

During this time, the president was extremely irritable.

If there is a slight mistake in the work, it will definitely be criticized as worthless.

Feng Zhe even spent day after day in dire straits.

God knows how much he wishes someone could take over from him.

The boss who exudes low pressure every day is really scary!

In the silent conference room, a mobile phone rang suddenly.

Qi Qi looked left and right, wanting to know who would dare to turn on the phone at this juncture.

Afterwards, everyone saw Nangong Yuting, who was sitting in the first seat, take out his mobile phone expressionlessly.

His gaze fell on the screen, and in the next second, Nangong Yuting walked out, swiping to answer while walking: "I'm here."

A group of company executives in the conference room: "!!!" Their savior!
Feng Zhe, who was closest to Nangong Yuting, glanced at it from the corner of his eye, and he knew it already.

But yes, the only one who can make my boss show such an expression is Miss Quan Jing.

(End of this chapter)

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