The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 1161 The winner of life

Chapter 1161 The winner of life
After a meal, the final dowry was decided.

The Nangong family was very generous and gave Quanjing two apartments, a sea view house in Quanjing's name, and a villa in the name of their future child. Since the child has not yet been born, the account is temporarily filled in Quanjing's name.

In addition to the house, there is also Lingyun Group's 10% holding, and even the year-end dividends of the companies under the Nangong family...

Of course, all the assets under Nangong Yuting's name were also handed over to Quan Jing.

As for some assets that even Ji Lingqiong doesn't know about, that's another matter.

Wen Shuwan kept the other party's sincerity in mind.

The two children have already "killed first and played later", and it is not easy to be a bad person as a parent.

After dinner, the two families went back to their respective homes.

On the way back, Wen Shuwan chatted with Quan Jing.

In the driver's seat, Quan Tianxiang listened with pricked ears.

He clearly knew that Quan Jing's popularity was on the rise, and it was not a good thing to get married right now.

Quan Jing hugged Wen Shuwan's arm, and rested her head on her shoulder: "I have made an agreement with Yu Ting, we will not make it public for now. When the time comes, we will hold the wedding."

Wen Shuwan patted her hand: "Since you have already made up your mind, Mommy won't say much. My circle has grown up and I'm going to get married."

Quan Jing acted coquettishly: "Mommy~"

In front, Quan Tianxiang let out an arrogant "hum".

The typical one who has a husband and forgets his father.

Quan Jing and Wen Shuwan looked at each other, and smiled "puchi". She leaned on the back of the driver's seat, showing a small head, and said sweetly: "Daddy, even if I get married, I will always be your best friend." The most intimate little padded jacket..."

As she spoke, she quickly gave Quan Tianxiang a "pop" on the cheek.

Quan Tianxiang raised the corner of his mouth, and his mood improved a lot in an instant.

Wen Shuwan watched and shook her head helplessly.

This father and daughter are really more childish than the other.

this day.

The Nannan Civil Affairs Bureau ushered in a "booking out".

One p.m.

Nangong Yuting led Quan Jing into the Civil Affairs Bureau.

As soon as the two entered, there would be someone to lead the way.

Take photos, fill in information, and stamp.

After the staff handed them two red books, Nangong Yuting opened them directly, and saw a photo of him and Quan Jing pasted together, and the registration date read: September 20, 09XX.

After reading the wedding vows, the two left the Civil Affairs Bureau with their red books.

Without knowing it, after the two left, the staff gathered together and started whispering.

"That was Quan Jing just now?"

"Could it be that the man next to her is the heir of the Nangong family!"

"Hiss—a man with a talent and a woman with a beautiful appearance, a match made in heaven."

"It's good that this person is beautiful, even the husband he is looking for is so handsome, he is a sure winner in life."


Back in the car, Nangong Yuting childishly hugged Hong Benben in her arms and smirked.

Quan Jing noticed this scene: "..."

However, looking at it, she couldn't help but raise the corners of her lips.

Seeing Nangong Yuting so happy for the first time, she took out her mobile phone, "clicked" on him and took a photo.

In the photo, Nangong Yuting was holding a marriage certificate and smiling silly.

Hearing the movement, Nangong Yuting turned to look at Quan Jing, her voice was hoarse and full of endless charm: "Honey, you secretly took pictures of me."

Quan Jing didn't react to the word "wife" at first.

When she came back to her senses, she blushed immediately.

Nangong Yuting narrowed his eyes, a dangerous light flashed in his eyes.

In his eyes, Quan Jing's shy little appearance is extremely beautiful.

He even had the idea of ​​making her cry...

(End of this chapter)

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