The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 1164 Persistence is the Root of Pain

Chapter 1164 Persistence is the Root of Pain
Los Angeles.

Hollywood Universal Studios.

Han Dongqing and Quan Jing got off a taxi.

The two of them went all the way in, and they found Steven's crew without asking any special questions.

He was shooting the movie at hand, surrounded by foreign actors, all speaking American English.

Han Dongqing's English is not bad, but her spoken English is a little bit weak.

Quan Jing stood aside, listening quietly, and was occasionally brought into the play by the actors.

Neither of them bothered Steven until he yelled, "Cut!"

When the scene was over, Steven turned his head and saw Han Dongqing and Quan Jing standing not far away.

Han Dongqing had recovered, but Quan Jing propped his chin, looking pensive.

Seeing that Steven found them, Han Dongqing pulled Quan Jing over and said in English: "Director Steven, I am Han Dongqing who called you before, this is my artist Quan Jing..."

Steven raised his hand to interrupt her: "Oh no, Ms. Han, I don't have time to talk about this now, sorry."

When his eyes fell on Quan Jing, a flash of surprise flashed in Steven's eyes, but he soon returned to normal.

In the entertainment industry, there are many beautiful girls, but there are very few beautiful and acting girls.

Han Dongqing seemed to want to say something, but Steven planned to leave.

At this moment, Quan Jing suddenly said a word, in fluent American English: "Everything arises and perishes according to conditions, and attachment is the root of pain..."

Steven paused as he left.

He looked back and stared at Quan Jing, shocked in his heart.

She actually understood it!

That's right, what Quan Jing said just now is a summary of the scene just now.

The final ending of this movie is a tragedy. The hero and heroine do not love each other, but are twisted together. Pain, disappointment, and helplessness are the source of all evil.

But before that, Quan Jing hadn't seen their filming.

Just through the scene just now, she understood the core idea of ​​what he wanted to express, she was simply too smart!

Steven stared at Quan Jing: "What else did you see?"

Quan Jing rolled her eyes, looked at Steven, and spoke again calmly: "Their marriage is doomed to perish. It is their greatest kindness to have no children." Because, in this way, the pain will not continue continue.

Quan Jing didn't say what happened next.

She knew, and Steven understood.


In Steven's ears, Quan Jing's every word shocked him, but he was also very satisfied.

His eyes were full of appreciation.

He turned his head and looked at Han Dongqing: "What did you say you wanted to talk to me just now?"

Han Dongqing looked at Quan Jing in surprise, and hurriedly said, "I want to talk to you about the movie "The Cellist"..."

Steven glanced at his watch, and there were still two hours before he finished work today: "If you are not in a hurry, give me two hours and we will talk in detail."

Han Dongqing: "Don't worry, you go first."

Afterwards, Han Dongqing pulled Quan Jing aside.

The crew on Steven's side took a short break and continued filming.

On the way, he took a few glances at Quan Jing.

The little girl stared at this side intently, with piercing eyes, occasionally meditating, occasionally frowning, as if changing with the emotional changes of the characters in the play...

two hours later.

Steven is here to call it a day.

He asked his assistant to take Han Dongqing and Quan Jing to his office.

As soon as the two sat down, Steven walked into the office.

Han Dongqing got up: "Director Steven."

Quan Jing also called out sweetly.

Facing the script, Steven was very strict.

He didn't open the back door to her just because he admired Quan Jing.

Instead, he was "harsh" on her.

(End of this chapter)

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