Chapter 1168
When the sales of the Yijia brand were exposed, the industry was amazed at Quanjing's ability to carry goods.

Many endorsers have set their sights on Quanjing.

Good guy, this is a sweet pastry!
If Quan Jing was allowed to speak for him once, he wouldn't have to worry about his performance this year.

Of course, Quan Jing still has a lot of top-notch endorsement advertisements in his hands, and those people can only rest their minds.

Otherwise, this period of time is the rising period of Quanjing's popularity.

After Yijia's official announcement, TY Apparel has released a notice.

Not only that, Quan Jing's name also appeared in the episode of the movie that was about to be released...

God knows, Quan Jing squeezes out time every day.

Whenever there is a brand promotion, Han Dongqing whispers in her ear and asks her to forward it.

Later, Quan Jing simply told Han Dongqing the account password and handed over the full authority to her.

Han Dongqing: "..." The artist is too lazy, what should I do?
Waiting online, very anxious!

As Quan Jing's popularity rose, her endorsement fees rose again.

As for the contract that has been signed before, just follow the contract.

Not only Quan Jing, but also Quan Rin was doing well.

This pair of siblings occupies most of the resources in the entertainment industry.

It is also a headache for a group of people.

Do you really regard the entertainment industry as your own home?

Give others a way out!

Knowing that his sister was filming, Quan Rin took the time to visit the class once.

Guomin's younger brother joined the group to visit the class, which added another attraction to the public.

In particular, the interaction between the siblings is extraordinarily down-to-earth.

The people in the crew watched it and said it was too seductive.

If they hadn't known that these two were siblings, they would have stood as a pair.

Similarly, Nangong Yuting is also very busy.

Busy trying to make money.

His wife's value has skyrocketed, so he, as a husband, naturally can't be bad.

There are tens of millions and hundreds of millions of orders every day, and he doesn't blink his eyes when signing.

Feng Zhe flew around with his boss, and he didn't even have time to rest.

But he dared not complain.

Seeing the two children not being together for a long time, the old man in the family was also very worried.

If this continues, when will they see the birth of their precious grandchildren?
It was a cold and windy day in December.

On the 6th, "Only Sound with You" officially ended.

The fans couldn't get enough of it.

Here, the company arranged for Quan Jing's solo concert on the 16th.

15 number.

Han Dongqing used Quanjing's Weibo to issue a notice in advance, and attached the address of her personal concert.

For a long time, for this form of concert, Quan Jing finally donated the proceeds from the tickets to needy children in need.

Over the past few years, she has donated a lot just for donations.

Because it is anonymous, except for the recipient, only Han Dongqing knows about it.

She also asked Quan Jing why she didn't make it public.

What Quan Jing said is still fresh in her memory.

She said: "I hope to help some children in need as much as I can, and it has nothing to do with interests."

Quan's Group donates a sum of money every year. Compared with these, what she has done is just a drop in the bucket, nothing worth mentioning.

Quan Jing's calmness made Han Dongqing ashamed.

She is narrow-minded.

The day of the personal concert.

The seats are full.

Not only Nangong Yuting, but also Quan Rin also took time to go to the scene.

This is Quan Jing's first solo concert!

The atmosphere was very good.

During the concert, Quan Jing changed several sets of clothes and sang several songs.

Even, she sang and danced some songs.

Fans are very satisfied.

The voices on the scene are even more continuous.

"Little fairy! Little fairy! Little fairy!"

Feeling the atmosphere of the scene, Nangong Yuting frowned unconsciously.

So many people robbed him of his wife...

(End of this chapter)

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