Chapter 1173 Tailored

After joining the group, Quan Jing started the closed shooting.

Unless she is in a play, she is completely immersed in the role.

Han Dongqing stayed with her on the set for two days before returning to China to deal with all matters.

For the crew, director Steven is getting more and more satisfied with the filming.

The filming cycle of the film is inherently short.

Coupled with the fact that the acting skills of the male and female protagonists are both online, the production team finished early.

Quan Jing joined the crew in mid-April. After preparing for a period of time in the early stage, the crew officially started filming, and when it was finished, it ushered in the scorching heat.

It was a hot day in August, unbearably hot.

On the last day of the crew, Director Steven invited everyone to a wrap-up banquet.

At the end, everyone took a group photo together.

After more than 100 days of getting along with each other, everyone in the production team has changed a lot towards the little girl Quan Jing.

Especially the actors who played against her.

This little girl is not very old, but she is especially able to endure hardships.

Every day, no matter how late the shooting was, she never cried out that she was tired.

The more comfortable point is that there is no obstacle in their communication at all.

The little girl's fluent American English has captured the hearts of most people.

this afternoon.

Director Steven uploaded the finished photo to ins.

Among those faces, Quan Jing's exquisite oriental face instantly attracted the attention of countless people.

What is even more shocking is that this oriental girl is still in the C position!

No matter how lamented and sighed abroad, the country is still calm for the time being.

Of course, it is unknown who uploaded Director Steven's ins screenshot on Weibo and tweeted Quan Jing.

For a while, there was an uproar in the circle.

Who is Director Steven?That's a figure of the master class!
How could Quan Jing be able to take a photo with Director Steven?

After that, marketing accounts continued to come out to gain popularity, and there were even beeps and all kinds of acid words.

the other side.

Tianyin Media.

Han Dongqing was holding the courier document that his assistant Xiao Chen had just sent in.

She took it apart and saw that it was a script.

Look again.

Producer: Mu Yunchen Studio.

Han Dongqing: "???" What do you mean?
After finishing the script, Han Dongqing frowned and called Fei Xiang.

Fei Xiang, who received a call from Han Dongqing, was relieved.

God knows, facing Mu Yunchen's "cold violence" every day, he almost wondered if he sent the script to the wrong place.

No, when the call came, he was very excited: "Manager Han, how is it? How's the script? Is Quan Jing interested..."

This script is nothing but "Jing Nian" that Mu Yunchen showed Wen Shuwan earlier.

At first, Fei Xiang didn't understand why Mu Yunchen put this drama on hold for so long, it took a lot of time and energy.

Now, he finally understands.

This is a drama tailored for Quan Jing!
As soon as "One Step Away" was finished, Mu Yunchen contacted the director, and only after Quan Jing agreed, the show could start.

Who would have imagined that he had sent out the script for three days and hadn't received any response.

Han Dongqing: "I've read the script, but I'm sorry, Quan Jing is not in China now, and the later schedule is also very full, so..."

Fei Xiang interrupted her again and again: "That's no problem, we can wait for her schedule."

As if she was afraid that she would not agree, Fei Xiang persuaded earnestly: "...Agent Han Da, do you think about it again?"

While talking, Mu Yunchen came to Fei Xiang's side and said silently: I'll tell her.

Handing the phone to Mu Yunchen, Han Dongqing's cold words fell into Han Dongqing's ears: "As far as I know, Quan Jing chose "One Step Away" among many scripts. Similarly, this "Jing Nian", I believe would be in line with her choice."

Han Dongqing: "..." This man is so accurate, she can't refuse at all.

In the end, Han Dongqing only said to wait for Quan Jing to come back and let her decide.

(End of this chapter)

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