Chapter 118
the next day.

Quan Jing went to the company.

Unlike before, this time, she joined the company as a debut artist.

Fortunately, the opening ceremony of "Youth with You, No Regrets" yesterday was big enough to distract most of the media's attention.

As a result, when Quan Jing came to the company, there were not many media standing guard at the door.

There is only a small part left, and it is estimated that there is only one person watching Quanjing, and they are just kidding in their hearts, and they don't pay much attention.

As soon as Quan Jing arrived, he went directly to Han Dongqing's office.

On the way, she met Yue Sheng.

She stopped and greeted the other party: "Teacher Yue."

Seeing that she was no different from before her debut, Yue Sheng's eyes filled with approval: "I'm back."

Quan Jing nodded: "Yes, I'm back. In the future... I will trouble Teacher Yue more."

Yue Sheng: "It's easy to say."

Knowing that this point should be the trainee training time, Quan Jing didn't delay, just said that Han Dongqing was looking for her, and she would go first.

Artist's agent's office.

When Quan Jing came in, he saw a young man sitting opposite Han Dongqing, who was chattering endlessly: "...Sister Han, just tell me, who is the composer of this song?"

Han Dongqing was so annoyed that she had a headache. Quan Jing just came in. She raised her chin and replied, "Neng, the person is here. Ask her if you have anything to say."

The young man turned around full of joy, and when he saw Quan Jing: "..."

No, Miss Han, are you kidding me?
Just the little girl in front of me, who looks young, how could she be the one who wrote such an arrangement!

This morning, when he passed by Han Dongqing's office, he heard music inside. It was an unfamiliar accompaniment, but it sounded surprisingly good.

He felt itchy, and knocked on the office door uncontrollably.

Through a door, he heard intermittently.

When the door opened, he heard the 20-second sound of dolphins, and he got goosebumps!

Then, he discovered that it was Han Dongqing who was listening to the song demo.

He has been helping people arrange and record songs since he was 20 years old, and he has listened to tens of thousands of songs, large and small.

But there is no heart-catching song like this one!

You know, this is just a sample, how amazing is it when the real product comes out?
That's why he wanted to ask, who on earth could write such an arrangement!

But Han Dongqing told him that the arrangement of this song was a little girl?

This is ridiculous!
Han Dongqing ignored him and came to Quan Jing's side: "Did you bring all the things here?"

Quan Jing nodded, and handed her the contents of the bag: "This is the finished product I recorded last night, and this is the score."

Hearing the word "finished product" with sharp ears, Jiang Yi was stunned.

God damn finished product.

Is this world fantasy?

Just a little girl!

He leaned forward and glanced at the score that Han Dongqing was holding in his hand.

In the next second, he didn't care about anything, he reached out and grabbed it to take a look.

Then, another wave of strong blows struck...

Jiang Yi: "..." He apologized for his short-sightedness.

Quan Jing was taken aback by his actions, and then continued to say to Han Dongqing: "Sister Han, listen to see if there is anything you are dissatisfied with. If there is anything, I will go back and make changes."

Although she thinks it's okay, 1 listeners have [-] feelings.

She can't take care of everyone, but she still hopes to be perfect.

If it could be more perfect, why didn't she make it a little better?
On the side, Jiang Yi couldn't hold back and asked: "That, this Q..."

Quan Jing said "Oh", and said: "This is my personal habit, I can't change it for a while, I'm sorry."

Jiang Yi: "..." Lao Tie's heart was pierced.

(End of this chapter)

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