The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 126 Sister!You are on the trending search again!

Chapter 126 Sister!You are on the trending search again!

In the prelude, the cello waters the whole piece.

After about 20 seconds, Quan Jing opened his voice.

Unlike the sweetness of her original voice, she deliberately lowered her voice for this song...

Teenage girls have different voices.

In particular, girls who can sing are more likely to cover up their original voice.

The soft voice, coupled with the deep cello, and the lyrics full of stories, bring everyone who listens to the song into the world of the song.

The familiar voice fell into his ears, and Mu Yunchen opened his eyes abruptly.

Looking up, I saw Xiao Yu holding the phone with an intoxicated look on his face.

Mu Yunchen called out in a low voice: "Xiao Yu."

However, Xiao Yu, who was brought into the realm, failed to hear it immediately.

After the song was over, Xiao Yu let out a sigh.

He finally knew why there were so many hot searches for little fairies!
Xiao Yu blinked, raised his head, and met Mu Yunchen's handsome and indifferent face.

At that moment, Xiao Yu suddenly took two steps back.

Emma, ​​scared him to death!
He patted his chest and said embarrassingly, "Brother Mu, you're awake."

Mu Yunchen glanced at him: "Yes."

His eyes fell on his mobile phone, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Xiao Yu has been with Mu Yunchen for so long, and his thoughts are very delicate.

In particular, he is very clear about Mu Yunchen's attitude towards Quan Jing...

After thinking about it in his heart, Xiao Yu told Mu Yunchen what happened on Weibo.

Mu Yunchen narrowed his eyes: "What you just listened to was the new song of Quanquan?"

Xiao Yu nodded.

The next second, Mu Yunchen logged into Weibo, edited a message, and sent it out.

Then, the fans were dumbfounded.


Because Mu Yunchen posted on the official Weibo of Changxiang Music Program Group!

No, what does Quan Jing's new song have to do with the Changxiang music program group?
A group of people who eat melons are confused.

10 minute later.

The Changxiang music program group forwarded this Weibo post by Mu Yunchen.

Changxiangmusic V: [Looking forward to the performance of the newcomer #quanjing# on the show//@木云晨V: The new song is very nice, keep going#quanjing#@显亲音乐]

Fans all over the Internet: "!!!"

That's enjoying the music!

How can Quan Jing be able to participate in "Enjoy Music"?
Some old singers who have been in the music scene for several years, their real names are sour!

It's not over yet...

Another 10 minutes later.

Han Dongqing also forwarded Weibo.

However, she just forwarded it without saying anything.

For a while, the people who eat melons are a little confused.

Power house.

Quan Lin took the mobile phone, ran to his sister, and said carelessly: "Sister! You are on the trending search again!"

The corner of Quan Jing's mouth twitched, but he didn't speak.

This guy is just a hot search last time. Do you want to make such a fuss?

Seeing his sister's calm face, Quan Rin scratched his head: "Sister, let me tell you, I have shared your new song with many people, including grandparents, second uncles, seventh aunts and eight aunts, and those classmates , by the way, and..."

Hearing Quan Rin's crackling talk, Quan Jing felt a little headache.

She just released a new song!Do you want to make it so grand?
Not wanting to pay attention to her silly brother, Quan Jing picked up her mobile phone and walked to the balcony.

However, Quan Rin is not knowledgeable, so he came here with her.

"Sister, are you going to record "Enjoy Music" tomorrow?" An expectant voice sounded behind her.

Quan Jing: "Yes."

Quan Rin's voice raised slightly: "Wow, I want to go too..."

So pitiful, like a little milk dog.

Quan Jing smiled shamelessly...

(End of this chapter)

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