The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 136 Lucky Numbers

Chapter 136 Lucky Numbers
According to the practice of the previous ten rounds, only two contestants could advance to the third round in the end.

Shen Xiyao and Quan Jing have successfully advanced.

I don't know, can Zhou Chen break this record?
After watching Lu Yihai leave the stage, he entered into a short rest period.

Yang Bin took the time to go to the toilet.

5 minute later.

Yang Bin returned to the center of the stage with a clean body: "Hello, welcome back to "Enjoy Music". I am the host Yang Bin."

The audience applauded vigorously.

Yang Bin glanced at the script, and continued the cue process: "The next one to appear is our rock boy, Zhou Chen."

Zhou Chen, 22 years old this year, is an entertainer of Shengxuan Entertainment. He debuted at the age of 20, and his rock style quickly led the forefront of young people's music.

His manager Miao Manlin, also known as his aunt, made three contracts with him.

One year, if he can't succeed, he will go back to study in college!


Not only did he succeed, he did well.

Zhou Chen's song this round is called "My Punk".

As soon as the music came out, the audience screamed.

Immediately afterwards, Zhou Chen came out with a guitar on his back, and beside him were another guitarist and bassist.

The program team didn't clearly stipulate that off-site helpers are not allowed, but Zhou Chen's appearance still caught everyone by surprise.

Of course, no one cares about it now.

The trio struck chords...

Zhou Chen even played and sang.

The audience below called his name over and over impatiently.

"Zhou Chen! Zhou Chen! Zhou Chen!"

In three and a half minutes, a song ends.

Before Yang Bin could speak, the two helpers invited by Zhou Chen left quietly.

Yang Bin: "???" Is this to make him pretend he didn't see it?
At that time, Chen Jinsong's phone rang.

He answered, and a capable female voice came from the microphone: "Director Chen, is my nephew doing well on your show?"

Chen Jinsong's mouth twitched.

Did this person call him on the phone?
Why did Zhou Chen call him just after Zhou Chen finished?

However, he still wanted to give Miao Manlin face: "Very good, very good."

The female voice on the opposite side sounded again: "Really, that's because Director Chen's program is doing well, and our family Zhou Chen is at best a hit."

Who doesn't like to hear compliments?Even Chen Jinsong is no exception.

He grinned: "Hahaha, easy to talk about."

Afterwards, the two chatted for a few more words before ending the call.

On stage, the judges are making their decisions.

Green light, green light, red light.

It was still Mu Yunchen who gave the red light.

He did not deny that the scene was very exciting.

However, what he wants to listen to is the whole song, not showing off his skills.

From the beginning to the end, he only saw Zhou Chen showing off, not singing.

Zhou Chen was still young after all, he was very puzzled when he saw Mu Yunchen give him a red light.

But he is very clear about Mu Yunchen's position in the music scene.

Therefore, he only thought in his heart, did he not play well, or did he not sing well?
Fortunately, he barely advanced to the next round!
Yang Bin on the side took the lead in applauding: "Congratulations Zhou Chen, successfully advanced to the next round."

Yang Bin continued: "So far the show has been recorded, this is the only episode, and three people have advanced to the third round..."

Crackling, applause continued.

Not long after, Shen Xiyao and Quan Jing were invited back to the stage.

The three contestants stood together, and they were all young people, looking very eye-catching.

Yang Bin did not know where to conjure up a lottery tube: "Young man, let's draw lots."

The three were stunned.

After Qi Qi realized it, Shen Xiyao and Zhou Chen asked Quan Jing to smoke first.

Quan Jing was not polite to them either.

With a random draw, her lucky number was drawn.

 Guess what is the lucky number in the circle~ Today is Saturday, ask for a wave of tickets!
(End of this chapter)

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