The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 139 Voting to Quan Jing

Chapter 139 Voting to Quan Jing
Mu Yunchen narrowed his eyes: "It's a wonderful performance."

Quan Jing narrowed her eyes and smiled: "Thank you, Senior Mu."

Xu Shi sensed that Mu Yunchen's mood was not right, so Yang Bin didn't tease Quan Jing's name for him this time.

Returning to the center of the stage, he continued: "What kind of surprise will the last contestant bring us? Please Shen Xiyao bring us his "A Passionate Love"."

The lights were dim.


A white light hit the center of the stage.


love, unknown

in love
It's still a lyrical song, it sounds good, but it makes people feel a little aesthetically tired.

In particular, with the comparison of power and net, the audience will not buy it.

She is a girl, there are surprises in every scene, and there are no repetitions in the three scenes!
On the contrary, these "old people" turned over and over again, still the same.

As soon as the music was over, Yang Bin walked over to the Circus with a smile: "Xi Yao's song is still just as good, don't you think so?"

Of course, the voices of the audience were significantly lower than before: "Yes..."

Shen Xiyao smiled awkwardly and politely, and bowed towards the auditorium.

It's the judges' turn.

Mu Yunchen obviously didn't want to say more: "So-so, keep working hard."

After speaking, he simply put down the microphone.

Yang Bin: "..." Mu Yingdi is really capricious.

Not far away, seeing this scene in the camera, Chen Jinsong only felt tired.

Fortunately, Pei Lingfei gave Cai Jingyuan some serious advice, and also said some words of encouragement to Shen Xiyao.

Shen Xiyao listened to the teaching: "Thank you three mentors."

The show has come to an end here.

Yang Bin returned to the center of the stage, and invited Zhou Chen and Quan Jing back to the stage.

The audience who saw Quan Jing on the big screen again cheered excitedly.

"Wow~ little fairy, look here, look here!"

"Blowing up the face of the little fairy, this is too beautiful!"


Quan Jing smiled sweetly, and the audience in the audience was shocked again!
Yang Bin: "The next thing we are looking forward to is the voting session. Are you ready?"

Audience: "Ready!"

Yang Bin: "Okay, please look out for the voting machines in your hands. No. 1 Zhou Chen, No. 2 Quan Jing, No. 3 Shen Xiyao, vote for whoever you like, and don't vote wrong... Okay, I announce , Voting starts now!"

1 minute later.

Voting closes.

Another 1 minutes later.

A staff member came to the stage and handed the list of results to Yang Bin.

Yang Bin, who got the list, glanced down, and interacted with the audience with a smile: "Guess who is more loved by everyone?"

In an instant, there was a lot of cheers from the audience.

Some called Zhou Chen, some called Quan Jing, and some called Shen Xiyao...

Yang Bin didn't hold back, and announced the results directly: "Okay, I announce that the one with the highest number of votes is... Quan Jing, with 42 votes!"

A trace of astonishment flashed across Quan Jing's face.

Obviously, she was also a little surprised.

In the next second, she sincerely bowed to the audience: "Thank you, everyone, thank you."

I don't know who replied, "You don't need to be so polite, little fairy", and the audience burst into laughter.

Yang Bin continued: "Currently the No.2 winner is...Shen Xiyao, with 30 votes."

Shen Xiyao clasped his hands together, thank you very much.

Then there was no suspense about the number of votes left for Zhou Chen, 28 votes.

Zhou Chen faced the audience with a smile and bowed.

The audience voted, and then came the judges.

Mu Yunchen didn't even think about it: "I vote for Quan Jing."

Then, no more.

Others: "???" The reason?This is gone?
(End of this chapter)

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