The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 141 He's Angry

Chapter 141 He's Angry
Shooting ends.

The audience left one after another.

Who would have thought that the person who originally came here for other people would be fascinated by Quan Jing in the end?
Sure enough, the little fairy is still a little fairy.

Even when they exited the arena, the audience was still in groups of twos and threes, discussing something with relish.

There are so many hot spots in this issue!
Emma, ​​this trip was well worth it.

On the stage, Pei Lingfei pulled Quan Jing and said a lot.

Although he was very tired, Quan Jing still had a smile on his face, without a trace of impatience, and answered Pei Lingfei's questions seriously, which showed his self-cultivation.

Seeing the two talking non-stop, Yang Bin had no choice but to say: "Sister Fei, little fairy, are you not tired after recording for so long?"

Pei Lingfei: "Not tired."

Quan Jing opened her mouth, her eyes filled with helplessness.

Mu Yunchen narrowed his eyes, and a deep voice suddenly came: "Quan... Quan Jing and the others are very tired."

I don't know if it was Pei Lingfei's illusion, but she actually saw... anger on Mu Yunchen's face?

He is angry.

Think about it too.

Quan Jing arrived at the Yuzutai headquarters at two o'clock in the afternoon.

During the period, there was makeup and costume changes, plus on-site rehearsal and audition, and then the official recording of the program.

There are so many things, it took almost 6 hours!
You know, the broadcasting time of the program is only 90 minutes. By then, Quan Jing's footage may not even be edited for 20 minutes.

The atmosphere is extremely awkward...

Qin Jing looked at this scene, her eyes flickered slightly, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

This cleanliness is too evil!
But a newcomer actually stole her limelight!

At the right time, Chen Jinsong's voice sounded: "It's over, it's over, I'm treating guests today, everyone pack up, and follow the bus to the hotel to have dinner together."

After working for so long, everyone is already hungry.

It was rare for Director Chen to be polite, and the audience cheered.

Chen Jinsong stepped onto the stage and patted Mu Yunchen on the shoulder: "Yunchen, you are not allowed to leave tonight, and have a good drink with me."

Mu Yunchen frowned and said nothing.

As if Chen Jinsong didn't see it, he turned his head and looked at Quan Jing with a smile on his face: "Little girl Quan Jing, you really opened my eyes today! Don't say anything, you have to go together."

Before Quan Jing could speak, Han Dongqing came over with a thermos cup: "Director Chen, Quan Jing still has training tonight, so we won't eat this meal. I'll treat you to coffee another day."

What Han Dongqing said was well-founded, and Chen Jinsong couldn't refute it at all: "That's really a pity..."

Mu Yunchen poured cold water on the side: "What a pity."

Chen Jinsong: "..." Did this guy take the wrong medicine today?

Qin Jing, who seized the opportunity, said sweetly: "Director Chen, Quan Jing is not here, and we are still here. Director Chen can't treat one more favorably than another."

Chen Jinsong laughed loudly and waved his hands again and again.

Before leaving, Chen Jinsong asked Quan Jing for WeChat, and the two added each other.

As the name suggests, a personal interview will be recorded later.

Pei Lingfei and Cai Jingyuan also joined by the way.

Zhou Chen and the others also wanted to join, but were stopped by Han Dongqing: "Then Director Chen, it's okay, I'll take Quan Jing to go first, the trainer is still waiting in the company."

Chen Jinsong smiled and nodded: "Success."

Looking at Quan Jing's back, Qin Jing clenched her hand tightly into a fist.

She didn't even add Chen Jinsong's WeChat, so why should she be purged?
In my ear, a gentle male voice suddenly sounded: "Qin Jing? Director Chen called you."

Qin Jing came back to her senses, only to find that it was the person named Shen Xiyao who called her.

She showed a sweet smile, said "thank you", and walked towards Chen Jinsong...

(End of this chapter)

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