The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 166 Group Photo Exposure

Chapter 166 Group Photo Exposure
After the training was over, Quan Jing collapsed to the ground.

For five full hours, she never stopped.

This is more tiring than her recording a variety show!

She was sitting on the floor resting, Ning Wan came over with a bottle of mineral water: "Have a drink."

Quan Jing smiled slightly: "Thank you, Teacher Ning, I brought water myself."

He took the thermos cup from his bag, poured a glass of water with the lid, and took a sip.

Quan Jing's movement of drinking water is very elegant, unlike other girls who gulp down their stomachs.

Just watching her drink water, Ning Wan involuntarily slowed down the speed of drinking water.

After separating from Ning Wan, Quan Jing went straight back to the company dormitory.

In the next two days, Quan Jing was in the training room, the company cafeteria, and the company dormitory, three points and one line.

She was so busy that she forgot about Quan Rin...

It was Han Dongqing who called her, and she suddenly remembered.

Han Dongqing hadn't contacted her for two days, Quan Jing thought, she called this time probably because of the advertisement.


As soon as the phone was picked up, Han Dongqing's crisp voice fell into Quan Jing's ears: "Quan Jing, at [-] o'clock tomorrow morning, the Huayuan District will shoot an advertisement, you should prepare."

Quan Jing: "Okay, Sister Han."

After hanging up the phone, she called home directly.

I don't know, did Mommy return the phone to Fat Rin?
Just thinking about it, the butler's voice came from the microphone: "Miss."

Quan Jing said sweetly: "Housekeeper, is Mommy at home? Let her answer the phone."

The butler replied "Yes", and then another person was on the microphone.

A gentle voice came into Quan Jing's ears through the microphone: "Quanquan, miss Mommy?"

Quan Jing: "Yes, I miss you, does Mommy miss me?"

Wen Shuwan chuckled: "You, you, naughty."

The mother and daughter chatted for a while, and Quan Jing inadvertently raised her mouth: "By the way, Mommy, where is Fat Rin?"

Wen Shuwan smiled.

That brat, she just confiscated his mobile phone for two days, and he went on a hunger strike with her!

Now I can't even come down the stairs.

Quan Jing, who knew the inside story: "Mommy, Fat Rin's cell it still with you?"

Wen Shuwan seemed to hold back for a long time before she said, "Yes."

Quan Jing: "..."

For an internet-addicted teenager, not touching his mobile phone for two days would kill him!
For a moment, Quan Jing sympathized with Quan Rin.

However, let him rest for two days, staring at the phone for a long time, his eyesight will decline.

Wen Shuwan didn't have any little secrets with her daughter, she talked a lot about it.

Quan Jing listened quietly.

Hearing the end, Quan Jing thought that after filming the commercial tomorrow, he should be able to go home, so he said: "Mum, I'll see if I can go back tomorrow, and then I will help you persuade Fat Rin."

Wen Shuwan: "OK."

That brat, he can only listen to his sister's words...

hang up the phone.

Wen Shuwan ordered the housekeeper at the side: "Housekeeper, go and fully charge the fat round phone."

It's been two days of no use, and the battery should be dead.

Butler: "Good lady."

Looking at a certain room on the second floor, Wen Shuwan sighed silently.

This kid is really worrying.

Quan Jing didn't know, and Quan Rin didn't know either.

The photo of the two of them with Mu Yunchen was forwarded and posted on the Internet.

How influential is Mu Yunchen?
Not to mention a group photo, even a signed photo is enough to blow up the wontons.

So much so that, under the comments, nine out of ten are asking, who is the person taking a photo with Mu Yunchen!

 Happy 70th birthday to the great motherland~
(End of this chapter)

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