The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 169 1 serious nonsense 8

Chapter 169 Serious nonsense
Hanting Hotel.

Peony Hall.

Quan Jing sat obediently beside Nalan Yin.

Opposite her, Nangong Yuting was still sitting.

Next to Nangong Yuting was Feng Zhe.

While the two people on the opposite side were ordering, Quan Jing quietly pulled down Nalan Yin's sleeve, and asked in a low voice, "Sister Yinyin, why is he in your office?"

Nalanyin blocked Nangong Yuting's sight with the menu, and also replied in a low voice: "I don't know, he seems to be for..."

Before the word "you" could be said, Nangong Yuting coughed lightly and said, "I've ordered it."

Nalanyin clicked a few pictures at random, and looked at the waiter standing by with a smile: "Let's just order these first."

The waiter recorded them one by one, and then put away the menu: "Guests, please wait a moment."

Two 10 minutes later.

All the dishes are served.

Then, Quan Jing was shocked to find that most of them were her favorite dishes!
She turned her head and looked at Nalanyin with a dazed expression.

Just now she saw with her own eyes that Nalanyin just ordered a few dishes, and they all perfectly avoided her favorite food...

Therefore, these dishes were all ordered by Nangong Yuting!

Quan Jing looked up at him with a serious face.

Counting several times of meeting, he gave her a different feeling.

But there is one thing...

He's always been that cold.

That face, as if he couldn't smile, always turned his face, making people daunting.

Quan Jing just stared at Nangong Yuting so bluntly, without hiding her gaze at all.

Feng Zhe noticed it, but pretended he didn't see anything.

In fact, he was quite upset for his boss.

The boss has done so much for her, but she doesn't know anything!
Nangong Yuting didn't notice such an obvious sight.

He lowered his eyes and exerted a little force on the hand holding the chopsticks.

The thin lips were slightly pursed, and the stiff body told him that he lost his composure.


"Jingzai, what are you looking at, eat vegetables."

Nalanyin's sudden voice interrupted the beautiful atmosphere.

Quan Jing snapped back to her senses, blinked, and lowered her head to eat.

Nalanyin would never admit that she did it on purpose.

She just wanted to see how that guy Nangong Yuting was obviously furious but didn't dare to do anything to her.

That's simply not too cool!

While Quan Jing was eating, a line of sight fell on her.

Nalanyin pretended not to notice, picked up a piece of shrimp meat with the serving chopsticks, and put it into Quan Jing's bowl: "Jing Zai, eat this, this is very delicious."

However, Quan Jing stared at the shrimp in the bowl without moving.

She turned her head and said sweetly: "Sister Yinyin, this is shrimp meat." She still remembered that Nalanyin ordered a large plate of lobster before, but she didn't even give her a bite!

Did she take the wrong medicine today?
The next second, Nalanyin took the shrimp meat from her bowl, and said slowly, "I don't like it, so my sister helped you eat it."

Quan Jing: "???" No, when did she say she didn't like to eat it!

While Quan Jing was staring at Nalanyin, Nangong Yuting signaled Feng Zhe to move the plate of prawns in front of her.

Nalanyin, who clearly captured this scene, stretched out his hand and moved the plate of prawns to her right side where Quan Jing couldn't hold it: "If you don't want to eat prawns, let me eat it."

Quan Jing: "???" Sister Yinyin, is it really okay for you to talk nonsense so seriously?

Nangong Yuting frowned, seeing the little girl who wanted to eat but couldn't, stared at Nalanyin coldly.

Is this how she takes care of people?
For a meal, Nalanyin ate the melon, not to mention how happy he was.

She figured it out, Nangong Yuting, she really fell into it...

(End of this chapter)

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