Chapter 171
At that time, what flashed through Nangong Yuting's mind was such a picture.

On the crowded road, the girl lay there quietly, surrounded by blood.

When he arrived, the girl only had time to say "goodbye" to him before she fell into a coma...

Goodbye, it really becomes never to be seen again.

Quan Jing's sound just now reminded him of this past life that he didn't want to recall, and at that moment, he couldn't help but feel terrified.

So much so that without even thinking about it, he grabbed her arm directly.

Feeling the temperature from the palm of his hand, Nangong Yuting's anxiety subsided a little.

Fortunately, she is still there.

Quan Jing turned her head, looked at the big hand holding her with her clear eyes, a trace of bewilderment flashed in her eyes, and there was a trace of... throbbing?
She shook her head secretly in her heart, opened her big innocent eyes, and her sweet and soft voice fell into Nangong Yuting's ears.

She said, "Mr. Nangong, what else can you do?"

Nangong Yuting raised her eyes and looked at her with complicated eyes.

Under those eyes, there is struggle, pain, and affection...

Suddenly meeting such a pair of eyes, Quan Jing subconsciously took two steps back.

This man, why is he looking at her like this?
Seeing the vigilance on Quan Jing's face, Nangong Yuting sighed inwardly, and let go of her.

After all... he still didn't want to embarrass her.

However, looking at Quan Jing's back going further and further away, Nangong Yuting still couldn't help calling out: "Circle circle!"

Ahead, Quan Jing paused.

But in just a split second, she speeded up and disappeared from Nangong Yuting's sight...

After standing there for a while, Nangong Yuting called Feng Zhe and asked him to come pick him up.

The slender and tall figure looked so lonely and desolate.

Zheng Xinyan and Yin Xiaoyu, who had just returned from training, noticed Nangong Yuting standing under the light at a glance.

As the eldest lady of the Zheng family, Zheng Xinyan has been in contact with many high-quality boys since she was a child, but there has never been a single person who can make her have such an amazing moment like this person in front of her.

Not to mention Yin Xiaoyu.

Her vision was very high, but the moment she saw Nangong Yuting, her eyes were straightened!

She lowered her head, straightened her clothes, gently grabbed Zheng Xinyan's sleeve, and whispered: "Xinyan, that man, he is so handsome."

Zheng Xinyan nodded carelessly, with undisguised appreciation in her eyes: "Yeah, he's really handsome! In the entire entertainment industry, I'm afraid there are few who can compare to him."

Her words, her tone made Yin Xiaoyu wonder in her heart.

Even Zheng Xinyan didn't know this man, and seeing him standing alone under the light, there wasn't even a car around...

Yin Xiaoyu's goodwill disappeared in an instant.

She likes handsome people, but she still prefers rich young masters.

The person in front of him... is a bit too shabby.

Sure enough, so what if he is handsome?It can't be eaten as a meal!
Zheng Xinyan was about to go up to say hello, but Yin Xiaoyu pulled her away: "Xinyan, it's getting late, let's go back."

Zheng Xinyan who was pulled away: "???" Is it too late?It's only eight o'clock now.

Thinking that Yin Xiaoyu had been chatting with people in recent nights, she didn't find it strange again: "Okay."

However, when passing by Nangong Yuting, she still raised her hand to say hello: "Hi, handsome guy!"

Nangong Yuting did not respond.

Yin Xiaoyu said at the right time: "This man is really rude." He was indeed a petty man.

Zheng Xinyan: "???" Wait, rude, shouldn't it be cruel?
(End of this chapter)

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