The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 174 What's wrong?

Chapter 174 What's wrong?

Quan Jing didn't know what Han Dongqing was busy with.

It was originally said to be in the afternoon, but she sent her directly back to Quan Zhai.

Before leaving, she also mentioned: "By the way, the last episode of "Enjoy Music" will be aired tomorrow night, remember to watch it."

Quan Jing: "???" She should be training at the company tomorrow, how can she have time to watch?

As if knowing what Quan Jing was worried about, Han Dongqing said again: "Ning Wan has something to do recently, so she won't come to the company for the time being. As for you...stay at home and wait for my notice."

Quan Jing's mouth twitched.

This...wouldn't she be too free?

She just returned to the company for a few days!

However, what was left to her was a car that disappeared without a trace...

Quan Jing patted his forehead, turned around, and went home.

Walked into the living room and found no one.

There was no one in the kitchen.

Quan Jing: "???" Strange, why is there no one?
She was about to walk towards the back garden...

"Sister!" A voice suddenly sounded from behind her.

Quan Jing closed her eyes in fright.

After a while, she opened her eyes, looked at Quan Rin who appeared behind her at an unknown time, stretched out her hand, and slapped him twice: "Fatty Rin, you want to scare me to death!"

Quan Rin touched his nose: "No, it's because you don't scare yourself, okay?"

Quan Jing glared at him: "You still talk!"

Quan Rin raised his hands in surrender: "Okay, okay, I won't say anything, I won't say anything."

As soon as the voice changed, he rubbed Quan Jing's shoulder: "Sister, why are you back now? Didn't you say afternoon."

Quan Jing: "Sister Han has something to do, so she sent me back first."

Quan Rin: "Oh..."

Had lunch.

Quan Rin kept chattering in Quan Jing's ear, which gave her a headache.

Especially, this guy is still talking to her about "Enjoy Music".

She couldn't bear it anymore: "Quan Rin!"

Quan Rin was taken aback when his sister called him by her full name and surname suddenly.

The next second, he picked up a pillow and hid behind the sofa, with a vigilant expression on his face: "What are you doing?"

Quan Jing quickly pointed to the bathroom: "Get out of here."

Quan Lin subconsciously glanced at the place Quan Jing pointed at: "..." What's wrong with his sister?Let him roll to the bathroom every time...

Facing the angry little face, Quan Rin waved his hands again and again, compromising: "Okay, okay! I'll go, I'll go."

Is he easy?
Bitterly slipped to the bathroom and closed the door...

Before the door closed for a second, Quan Rin slammed it open again.

In an instant, he met a pair of warning eyes.

Quan Rin pointed at the mobile phone he put on the low coffee table: "Uh...well, I forgot my mobile phone..."

Quan Jing snorted coldly: "Take it yourself."

Quan Rin took the phone, consciously went into the bathroom, closed the door, and "self-reflection".

Two 10 minutes later.

click -

A head popped out of the bathroom.

Turned aside, no one.

Turning to the other side, an enlarged face suddenly approached!
Quan Rin was startled, and subconsciously closed the door.

But I forgot, his head was still stuck on the door...

"Oh—" It hurt him to death!
Butler: "Young master, what game are you playing?"

Quan Rin opened the door, rubbed his face, and roared: "You're only playing games! You're so good, why did you suddenly come out and scare me?"


Suddenly, a soft female voice sounded from above his head: "How does it feel to be frightened?"

Quan Rin looked up and saw Quan Jing standing at the stairs, and smiled awkwardly.

Seeing the siblings making a fuss, the housekeeper and the servants were no longer surprised.

However, less than 10 minutes later, Quan Rin suddenly jumped up from the sofa: "Damn, who posted my group photo on the Internet!"

(End of this chapter)

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