Chapter 177

Now I finally know where the drumming in the trailer came from.

After singing, looking at the scene of Quan Jing interacting with Yang Bin, the plain face after wiping off the sweat, and the cuteness of the character, it can be said to be very interesting.

Especially, the moment when Quan Jing tilted her head and said "I grew up eating mangoes", it was so stupid and cute!

Let people swipe the screen to leave messages directly on the bullet screen.

[The little fairy didn't grow up eating cute, she grew up eating mangoes]

【Hahaha, does the little fairy love to eat mangoes?】

【Lovely expresses aggrieved】


At the moment when she was promoted by three votes, some fans who were optimistic about Quan Jing applauded her.

On the contrary, there are some sunspots with unbalanced mentality, who slander Quanjing with bad words on the bullet screen and in the comments.

But these, for Quan Jing who doesn't watch videos online very much, are also a painless existence.

The show continues.

Later, Lu Yihai's performance was not so attractive.

On the contrary, the guitarist and bass player invited by Zhou Chen set a precedent for the show.

During the third round of lottery, the camera took a close-up of Quan Jing.

The watching friends saw Quan Jing's little stunned expression, and suddenly laughed.

How many times did she see it, and it actually looked like this.

There are a bunch of smiling faces on the barrage.

Others said that he was rolling on the ground laughing...

In the third round, Zhou Chen's performance was mediocre without his "helper".

When it was the judges' turn to give pointers, some attentive viewers noticed that Zhou Chen was stiff all over.

That's right, no matter how popular he is, he has only debuted for less than three years, so he is still a bit young after all.

Mu Yunchen's sharp words directly made Zhou Chen's fans feel sorry for his idol.

However, as soon as he said something wrong with Mu Yunchen, he was speechless by the wontons.

In terms of fan power, there are really not many people in the entertainment industry who can compete with Mu Yunchen.

The second one to appear was Quan Jing.

The curtain was opened, and everyone was taken aback when they saw Quan Jing sitting in front of a guqin.

Get up and play the piano.

Hum, sing.

Every scene, every second, every sound hits people's hearts.

The last one to appear was naturally Shen Xiyao.

A song "Deep Love", with deep love without regret, gentle and affectionate, can't help but resonate with people.

When it came time to vote, the exciting moment came.

With 42 votes, Quan Jing was far ahead of Shen Xiyao and Zhou Chen, becoming the best singer-songwriter in the eyes of the audience.

Obviously, Quan Jing himself did not expect such a result.

Her astonished expression was very natural.

Next, is the vote of the judges.

Seeing their Mushen vote for Quan Jing neatly, it also made the Yuntuns instantly relieved of the group photo that was exposed on the Internet before.

What can be done?They can only envy the girl chosen by God.

Later, both Pei Lingfei and Cai Jingyuan voted for Quan Jing, and everyone who watched the show was blown up.

For the first time!

This is the first time that the three mentors chose the same singer-songwriter in the final round at the same time!
The little fairy is so beautiful that it bursts the sky!
Especially at the end, when Yang Bin announced that Quan Jing broke the record, the fans who had just become fans of Quan Jing couldn't be more proud.

Nun, this is their fan.

At the end of the show, all the singer-songwriters came back on stage, and everyone took a photo together.

At this point, the music starts, and the first season of "Enjoy Music" is all over...

However, everyone seemed to be addicted to watching it, so they ran to the official blog to ask them to hand over group photos, behind-the-scenes highlights and so on!
(End of this chapter)

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