Chapter 185

The other party didn't speak for a long time, Quan Rin couldn't help saying: "Who are you? Talk!"

Nangong Yuting: "..."

Quan Rin took the phone away and looked at the phone number.

Strange, there shouldn't be any strange calls coming in.

Could it be... the other party is someone he knows?
Quan Lin thought about it, but still couldn't figure it out, so he simply stopped thinking: "Hey, are you going to talk? If you don't talk, I'll hang up."

Just when Quan Rin was about to hang up the phone, a cold and stern voice fell into his ears: "Quan Rin."

With just one sound, Quan Rin's whole body trembled.

He reflexively called out: "Sister, help me!"

Nangong Yuting: "..." He hasn't said anything yet...

Gradually, Nangong Yuting heard a girl's voice coming from the microphone again: "What's wrong with you?"

Quan Rin held up the phone with an innocent face: "Sister, this person knows me, but I don't know him!"

Quan Jing glanced at him suspiciously, took the phone and looked at it.

Seeing this, Quan Jing was also stunned.

Seeing his sister's abnormal appearance, Quan Lin stretched out his hand and waved in front of her eyes: "Sister, what's wrong with you?"

Quan Jing shook her head and returned the phone to him: "It's nothing, this person also called you just now, I answered it for you, but the other party didn't say anything."

Quan Lin took the phone in a daze, said "Oh", and continued to ask the other end of the phone: "Hey, who are you? How did you know my phone number?"

After a moment of silence, Nangong Yuting uttered three words in a low voice: "Nangong Mo."

Quan Rin stared: "Stupid? You fooled me! You really think I'm stupid, can't you hear the voice of Stupid?"

Quan Jing who hadn't left yet: "..." Forget it, she should pretend she didn't hear anything.

Immediately, she turned and left silently.

Nangong Yuting glanced at Nangong Mo who had been staring at him curiously, and then heard the words from the microphone, couldn't help coughing lightly.

Quan Rin over there seemed to have realized it, and after thinking for a long time, he finally got an answer.'s impossible.

So, Quan Rin tentatively said, "Are you... stupid brother-in-law?"

Nangong Yuting raised his eyebrows imperceptibly, and a flash of appreciation flashed in his eyes.

He didn't deny it: "It's me."

Quan Rin stared, subconsciously spit out a sentence: "Fuck!"

Nangong Yuting: "..." Does this mean that birds of a feather flock together?

He remembered that Amo had done something similar before.

Quan Lin rubbed his nose embarrassingly, and continued to speak in a serious manner. Just now he said the word "Nan", his voice changed: "Uncle Chu Mo, you are looking for me... what can I do?"

This time, it was Nangong Yuting's turn to choke.

Thinking that before he could only know the slightest news about Quan Jing through Nangong Mo, he was thinking, maybe, he could get first-hand news from Quan Rin.

Quan Rin called out again: "Zu Mo's uncle?"


This child, since he was not allowed to call him "Uncle Nangong", he has changed this name.

He wants to ask, is there a difference between the two?
Nangong Yuting shook his head.

After a while, he said, "I know everything about the Internet."

Quan Rin froze for a moment, then frowned.

What does stupid uncle mean?
In the next second, I heard, "Quiet her... is she okay?"

Hearing this sentence suddenly, Quan Rin blinked and was immediately confused.

No, how did Chu Mo's uncle know his daughter's name?
Wait, it looks like... He seemed to have heard it at the parent-teacher meeting last time.

Quan Rin couldn't figure it out, so he simply asked, "Well, how did you know my lady's name?"

(End of this chapter)

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