The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 188 How dare those people!

Chapter 188 How dare those people!
I have known for a long time that the entertainment industry is a big black dye vat.

He didn't agree to let his family circle into the entertainment circle when he came.

Well, how long has it been since he debuted, released a new song, recorded a variety show, and was hacked like this?
Apart from being scolded to get out of the entertainment industry, other vicious words have been said thousands of times.

Thinking of this, Quan Tianxiang felt distressed.

His circle, his little princess, he couldn't bear to say a harsh word, those people... how dare those people!

Quan Tianxiang slammed his fist on the dining table, furious.

Wen Shuwan glared at him sideways, held his hand, and looked at Quan Jing and Quan Rin who didn't know why: "It's okay, let's eat."

have eaten.

Quan Tianxiang looked serious: "Quanquan, come here, Dad has something to say to you."

Quan Jing obediently said "Oh", and followed Quan Tianxiang to the study.

in the study.

Looking at the group photo of the family of four on the desk, Quan Tianxiang picked up the photo frame, his eyes fixed.


Quan Tianxiang sighed, and turned around: "Quanquan, let's quit the entertainment circle, don't go in this muddy water."

Unexpectedly, Quan Jing's tone was unusually firm: "No, Daddy, I want to sing well and make the music I like. I want those people to know that I'm not just putting on airs!"

Seeing his daughter's shining eyes, Quan Tianxiang felt even more distressed: "Quiet..."

Quan Jing interrupted him: "Daddy, you said that you and Mommy will support me."

The clear eyes are full of stubbornness.

Quan Tianxiang couldn't say anything serious, and in the end he just compromised: "Okay."

Thinking about the things on the Internet, Quan Tianxiang added another sentence: "In two days, Dad will send you to stay with your grandparents for a while, okay?"

Quan Jing actually wanted to refuse.

My grandparents are all abroad, so it's not very convenient to go back and forth...

But, looking at Quan Tianxiang's face, she couldn't say a word of rejection: "Okay."

Quan Tianxiang showed a smiling face, and patted Quan Jing's head: "Quanquan is good."

The father and daughter chatted for a while, then went downstairs.

In the living room, Wen Shuwan raised her head from time to time, looking towards the stairs.

The moment she saw the figures of Quan Tianxiang and Quan Jing appearing, she stood up from the sofa directly: "Are you done chatting?"

Quan Tianxiang came over and put his arms around Wen Shuwan's shoulders: "Honey, I have discussed with Quanquan. In two days, I will send her to stay with her parents for a while to avoid the limelight."

When she heard that she was going to be separated from her daughter, Wen Shuwan's eyes were full of reluctance.

But when I think about those bad things...

Wen Shuwan lowered her eyes again, with a forced smile on her face: "Go, it's good to go out and relax."

Quan Rin, who was listening on the side, raised his hand and said, "I'm going too!"

This time, Quan Tianxiang surprisingly didn't hate him, just stared at him, and finally nodded.

It made Quan Rin a little uncomfortable.

The atmosphere is too depressing.

Quan Jing didn't like this very much: "Daddy, Mommy, don't do this. Look, I'm fine."

The couple looked at her without speaking.

How can it be good, there are so many people on the Internet...

I can't think about it, I can't help it when I think about it.

Wen Shuwan sat on the sofa, her delicate face lost the usual smile.

Thinking of what Han Dongqing said about the audition, Quan Jing sat next to Wen Shuwan, hugged her arm, leaned her head on her shoulder, and said in a sweet voice: "Mommy, Sister Han said, there is a man named Zhao Dao Send a message asking me to audition. Tell me, should I go?"

Wen Shuwan turned her head to look at her: "An audition?"

Quan Jing smiled sweetly: "Yes, it seems to be a big production."

(End of this chapter)

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