The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 195 Female No. 1

Chapter 195

the next day.

Li Rongcheng announced his withdrawal from the production of "Emperor Nine Phoenixes" and took away a group of people.

When he came out, Zhao Xingang's original plan was completely disrupted.

In particular, after Li Rongcheng left, investors also withdrew their capital...

For a moment, Zhao Xingang had a headache.

Forget it!
At ten o'clock in the morning, Li Rongcheng used his official Weibo account to post a paragraph, between the lines, suggesting that there was a deal between the female singer surnamed q and Zhao Xingang.

Originally, this Weibo had little impact.

Not too many female singers switch careers to acting.

However, at this moment, someone posted a photo of Quan Jing auditioning for the film crew.

This time, in connection with Li Rongcheng's words, public opinion pushed Quan Jing to the forefront again.

So, Heizi came out again to find a sense of existence.

When "Emperor Nine Phoenixes" was launched earlier, many insiders were invited, not to mention that the director was still Zhao Xingang.

Now, when something like this happens, the progress of the drama may be postponed...


Zhao Xin just punched the table, his face was ugly: "What a Li Rongcheng!"

The director's assistant stood aside, trembling: "Director Zhao, Producer Li..."

Before he finished speaking, Zhao Xin just glanced over: "What is Li Producer? From today onwards, as long as the drama is directed by me, the name Li Rongcheng will not appear!"

If it wasn't for Lao Tao's lack of time, how could he be far away?
This Li Rongcheng really thought he couldn't see his threat.

Heh, the more he doesn't want Quan Jing to play this role, the more he wants to use Quan Jing!

Just as Zhao Xin took the phone, he called Han Dongqing directly.


Artist's agent's office.

Under the reminder of his assistant, Han Dongqing will discover a new round of discussions on Weibo.

She had too many things to do yesterday, and she couldn't find time, so she didn't accompany Quan Jing to the audition.

I didn't expect these people to make a fuss about this matter!
Jingle Bell--

The phone rings.

Han Dongqing picked it up and saw that it was Zhao Xingang's call.

She hesitated for a moment, then answered.

In the microphone, Zhao Xingang's firm tone came: "Manager Han, when will you be free, so that Quan Jing can sign with me as the lead actress in the new drama?"

Han Dongqing was stunned by his words.

After a while, she seemed to find her own voice: "Director Zhao, what do you mean... Quan Jing auditioned yesterday, and she was the female lead!"

Zhao Xingang: "Not bad."

Han Dongqing was very strict: "Director Zhao, if Ming people don't speak dark words, just tell me the truth." How could it be the number one female?

Quan Jing has no acting experience, she knows it better than anyone else.

If she auditioned for other roles, she certainly wouldn't think too much about it.

But, that's the female number one!
Zhao Xingang directly asked the question to Han Dongqing: "Do you think I'm joking with you?"

Thinking of Zhao Xingang's temper, Han Dongqing subconsciously shook her head.

The two agreed on the time to sign the contract, said some precautions, and ended the call.

After hanging up the phone, Han Dongqing was still a little out of shape.

Quan Jing she... auditioned for the lead actress!
Instead of notifying Quan Jing immediately, she called Wen Shuwan.

The current situation is very unfavorable to Quan Jing, and she must be fully prepared.

The phone rang twice and was connected.

Han Dongqing called out "Queen Wenying", and expressed her thoughts and worries.

Wen Shuwan was silent for a while.

Ever since she found out that Quanjing was hacked by the entire Internet, she regretted it.

After staying in this circle for so long, she shouldn't be too aware of those sunspots' methods.

That's the kind that won't let you go until you quit the circle!
(End of this chapter)

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