The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 205 Why Are You Still Here?

Chapter 205 Why Are You Still Here?

next second.

Quan Jing directly picked up Quan Rin's phone, unlocked it, and clicked into WeChat.

When seeing those photos that she didn't even know when they took them: "...Quan Rin!"

Hearing this sound, Quan Rin thought that Quan Jing had discovered it.

He hid in the blanket, and said in a muffled voice: "Sister, I swear, I really didn't mean it! As soon as I found out, I immediately withdrew it and didn't leak it..."

Looking at the family group, 99+ messages popped up all at once.

After all, it was Quan Rin who posted a bunch of photos of her!
Just now, she saw something wrong when she saw Quan Tianxiang's sentence "My family has a lot of fun".

But what did Quan Rin mean by those words just now?
What was not intentional, what was withdrawn?
He even sent it to others!

Quan Jing clicked the back button in the upper left corner, and glanced at Quan Rin's chat history.

Apart from the family group, the latest record is... Nangong Yuting?
She accidentally clicked in, and the first thing she saw was not the sentence sent by Quan Rin, but the series of retracted messages.

Quan Jing: "..."

Not far away, Wen Xianying called Quan Jing: "Quanquan, come and help grandma look at this question."

Quan Jing responded, and put Quan Rin's cell phone aside, then through the blanket, hit him twice as if to vent his anger, and left.

After waiting for about 2 minutes, Quan Rin lifted the blanket.

As soon as he got the phone, Quan Zongyuan grabbed his ears and carried him into the hall: "You brat, I can't invite you anymore, can I?"

Quan Rin: "Hiss—Grandpa, it hurts!"

Quan Zongyuan let go of him: "You still know it hurts, hurry up, come and help me change the light bulb."

Quan Rin let out a sullen "Oh", and the appointed one went to work.

Staring at the news of the withdrawal, Nangong Yuting was in a trance for a moment.

He glanced sideways and looked at Feng Zhe who was standing aside: "Can the withdrawn WeChat message be recovered?"

Feng Zhe shook his head: "Boss, the news has been withdrawn, and I can no longer..."

However, as if feeling the hostility of his own boss, Feng Zhe changed his voice: "Boss, why don't you let Xun Yi try, maybe you can recover..."

Poor Xun Yi, just returned to the hotel where he was temporarily staying, when he was called over by another phone call.

For half an hour, Nangong Yuting seemed to be living like a year.


Xun Yi pushed the door in a temper: "Boss, I just returned to the hotel!"

Not happy to meet a pair of cold eyes.

Looking at Feng Zhe, who kept winking at him, he shrank his neck and said, "Boss, what do you want?"

Nangong Yuting handed over the phone: "Recover these retracted messages for me."

Xun Yi: "..." For such a trivial matter, just ask someone from the technical department to fix it, why sacrifice his sleep time?

Ah - crazy!
Unfortunately, it was Nangong Yuting who spoke, so Xun Yi had no choice but to endure it.

He took the phone and tapped on the screen of the phone cracklingly.

3 minute later.

The news that was originally withdrawn was restored bit by bit at a speed visible to the naked eye...

Before Xun could take a look, the phone was snatched away.

Xun Yi: "..." What kind of news is this being withdrawn, and no one even takes a look at it.

After confirming that all the messages were recovered, Nangong Yuting immediately clicked on the photos and saved them in the phone album.

Feng Zhe, who was watching everything from the sidelines: "..." The boss was really stunned.

After a while, Nangong Yuting raised his eyes and found that Xun Yi was still there, and frowned: "Why are you still here?"

Xun Yi: "???" No, why not be so ruthless!

(End of this chapter)

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