The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 209 You Are Miserable

Chapter 209 You Are Miserable
4 number.

Two in the afternoon.

Nangong Yuting's work phone kept popping up new messages.

He casually clicked in a message and read it.

But it turned out that it was a personal data.

Thinking of what Xun Yi said yesterday, Nangong Yuting squinted his eyes.

It seems that those people were arrested.

He directly dialed the internal line and asked Feng Zhe to come over.

When Feng Zhe came in, Nangong Yuting handed him the phone, and ordered with a serious face: "You count the personal information in the text message."

Feng Zhe: "Yes, boss."

After half an hour.

Feng Zhe returned to the office with the iPad.

To be honest, if he was Quan Jing, he would really be disappointed.

Judging from the statistics just now, there are more than a hundred people involved in this black incident!

And most of these people are unemployed.

They set up a virtual network company on the Internet, dedicated to black and black.

In other words, as long as the money is in place, no matter who the other party is, it will definitely help you hack people out of the circle!
Because, these sunspots have no lower limit...

Nangong Yuting's expression was cold, as if he knew the result: "Who is the instigator?"

Feng Zhe handed over the iPad: "Code name S, real name Shi Xiaowei, unemployed, living at No. 19, Shizi Street, Shuangcha Lane, Nanshi City. He was once slandered by his colleagues in the same company, and then fired by the boss..."

Flipping through Shi Xiaowei's personal information, Nangong Yuting's eyes were gloomy.

Oh, want to play dirty?

Okay, then let him play slowly with him!
Nangong Yuting returned the iPad to Feng Zhe: "You let those little guys deal with it."

Feng Zhe didn't understand for a moment: "Boss, Shi Xiaowei..."

As the saying goes, cut the weeds and get rid of the roots.

Why didn't the boss let Xun Yi deal with Shi Xiaowei first, and then deal with those people?
Nangong Yuting raised his eyes and cast a sideways glance at him: "Just do as you please."

If Shi Xiaowei was dealt with so easily, how could he help his circle get back his breath.

He wanted him to taste the taste of being ruined!
In the next week, the voice of crusading against Quan Jing did not decrease much.

This change made Shi Xiaowei a little confused.

What's going on with those guys?

It's not that we agreed to start black people at a fixed time every day!
On this day, Shi Xiaowei just turned on the computer.

Before he could log in to Weibo, his computer screen seemed to be controlled by someone. No matter how he moved the mouse, he couldn't close the window that popped up.


A line of words appeared on the window.

【Welcome to the world of search】

Shi Xiaowei was dumbfounded.

Searching?Who is Xun?
He tried to turn off the phone and restart it, but the other party seemed to understand his intention, and the words on the page were immediately changed to something else.

[Don't try to force shutdown]

Shi Xiaowei: "..." Oh, your size!
Who the hell is this?

However, the other party seemed to be playing with him, and didn't give him any pleasure at all.

Another 1 minutes passed.

[Are blacks fun? 】

Seeing the word "black", Shi Xiaowei's eyes widened. did this person know...

【You are miserable】

Shi Xiaowei lowered his eyes, his face was full of madness.

This pretender.

Just when Shi Xiaowei was about to smash the computer screen...

【I hope you enjoy yourself】

After being teased for a while, Shi Xiaowei simply turned all his anger on Quan Jing.

Damn, he couldn't believe it!


After playing with Shi Xiaowei, Xun Yi monitored his every move in real time.

Seeing him start black power netting again.

Xun Yi: "..." This guy is really a typical example of not doing anything and not dying.

(End of this chapter)

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