The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 215 Has anyone found out

Chapter 215 Has anyone found out

When I got home, I made a video call to my grandparents in Provence.

After chatting for a long time, the siblings went back to their respective rooms to beat the jet lag.

At twelve noon, Quan Jing woke up leisurely.

After washing and changing her clothes, she kicked down the stairs.

Liu Ma who heard the movement said, "Missy is up."

Quan Jing smiled sweetly: "Mother Liu, is there something to eat, I'm hungry."

Liu Ma smiled and nodded: "Yes, I will keep it for you."

After lunch, Quan Jing told Wen Shuwan and asked the driver to take her to the company.

Quan Jing wore a peaked cap and walked into Tianyin Media very low-key.

Because of this, Xia Yuan at the front desk mistook it for some paparazzi who broke in, and hurried forward to stop her: "Hey, who the hell, you can't go in!"

Quan Jing who had already walked to the elevator: "..."

She took off her peaked cap, and made a "shh" gesture at Xia Yuan: "Xia Yuan, it's me."

After seeing who the person in front of her was, Xia Yuan breathed a sigh of relief.

However, when she saw Quan Jing's dress, she was still not used to it.

However, thinking about the recent incidents on the Internet, Xia Yuan became clear again.

She whispered very understandingly: "Little fairy, don't worry, I won't tell anyone about your coming!"

Quan Jing smiled slightly: "Then... can I go now?"

Xia Yuan pressed the upstairs button for her, and returned to her work station.

A small episode did not have much impact on Quan Jing.

She went to the chairman's office first.

dong dong dong.

Nalanyin lowered his head to process the document without raising his head: "Go in."

Quan Jing pushed the door in, closed the door, and then walked towards Nalanyin: "Sister Yinyin."

At the first glance of Quan Jing's voice, Nalanyin suddenly raised his head.

She stood up abruptly, walked around the desk and came to her, chattering endlessly: "What a mess? Why did you come here! Have you been noticed, you..."

After a long absence, Quan Jing was not impatient at all.

She held Nalanyin's hand and comforted her with a sweet voice: "Sister Yinyin, don't be so nervous, Uncle Zhou sent me here."

Naturally, Nalanyin knew the driver uncle of the Quan family. I heard that he seemed to be a retired special soldier?

After staying with Nalanyin for a while, Quan Jing went to Han Dongqing's office.

Artist's agent's office.

Quan Jing knocked on the door and went in directly.

Han Dongqing frowned, and was about to reprimand her, but the moment she saw Quan Jing's figure, she stretched her eyebrows: "Quan Jing?"

Quan Jing stepped forward: "Sister Han, I'm back."

Han Dongqing's eyes were serious: "Quan Jing, although the trend on the Internet is improving, the company still doesn't plan to let you show up in the short term..."

After all, no one knows whether there will be changes in the future.

Quan Jing blinked: "It's okay. Sister Han, actually, I'm here today, and I have one more thing to do."

Hearing what she said, Han Dongqing couldn't help raising her eyebrows: "Oh?"

She looked like she was willing to hear the details, and motioned Quan Jing to continue.

Quan Jing: "Sister Han may have to worry about the follow-up work arrangement when the school starts tomorrow."

If Quan Jing hadn't mentioned it, Han Dongqing would have almost forgotten that she was still a college student who had just entered university.

She chuckled: "Of course, I will try my best to match your time."

Quan Jing smiled sweetly: "Thank you, Sister Han."

Because Han Dongqing still had something to do, Quan Jing didn't stay long.

Moreover, it is not suitable for her to stay for a long time now.

Once the reporter finds out that she is in the company, I'm afraid they won't let her go easily...

(End of this chapter)

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