The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 219 Aren't You Afraid of Me?

Chapter 219 Aren't You Afraid of Me?

Quan Jing will make her bed, and another girl walks into the dormitory.

The girl was wearing a white T-shirt, black denim shorts, and a pair of black lace-up Martin boots.

Her short hair was dyed blue by her.

She had one hand in her pocket, the other hand was carrying a leather jacket, and a lollipop was in her mouth. At first glance, she looked like a gangster.

The parents who were still in the dormitory frowned when they saw this scene.

Whose child is this, dressed like this!

The girl threw away the leather jacket handsomely in her hand, climbed up, and jumped directly onto the upper bunk bed next to the door.

Then he turned a blind eye and ordered the two men in black who came together: "You two, put your things down, and just get out of here."

The two men in black obeyed and put down their luggage: "Miss, let's go first."

The girl waved without even looking at them.

Quan Jing looked at her curiously.

This girl looks different from others...


The girl with her eyes closed opened her eyes, and accurately captured Quan Jing's gaze looking at her.

Suddenly meeting those clear eyes, the girl was also taken aback.

In the next second, she jumped off the bed, stepped in front of Quan Jing, and said in a low voice with a bit of coldness, "You...are you not afraid of me?"

Quan Jing blinked, tilted her head, and smiled: "Are you scary? Why should I be afraid of you?"

The sweet and soft female voice fell into her ears, and Sheng Ke's clear eyes flashed in a trance for a moment.

Suddenly, her eyes fell to the side watching her parents vigilantly, and she smiled wantonly.


She was born an ominous child, how could anyone not be afraid of her.

Sheng Ke evoked a sly smile: "How long do you plan to stay here?"

Obviously, what she said was to the parents in the house.

Fortunately, the other two girls came earlier and they were almost ready to clean up. In addition, Quan Jing and Sheng Ke's parents were not there, so it was difficult for them to stay any longer.

After exhorting their children a few words, they left.

Soon, there were only four girls left in the dormitory.

The honest and honest girl sat obediently on her desk chair, the fat girl was still eating her potato chips, and Quan Jing stood there quietly.

On the other hand, Sheng Ke walked slowly to the door of the dormitory, hooked the door of the dormitory with her foot, and with a bang, she slammed the door hard and closed it.

The movement was a bit loud, which scared the three girls in the dormitory.

Sheng Ke laughed at himself: "Tsk, it's boring."

She turned back into her bed and lay down, ready to rest.

Seeing that she hadn't made the bed yet, Quan Jing reminded: "Student, your bed..."

Sheng Ke turned over and turned his back to her: "Noisy."

Quan Jing shut up, ignored her, and continued to pack her luggage.

at noon.

Except for Sheng Ke, everyone in the dormitory has packed their luggage.

"When I grew up, I realized..." The phone rang suddenly.

Sheng Ke, who was soundly asleep, was woken up with a bad temper: "It's so noisy!"

Quan Jing glanced at her, walked to the balcony, swipe to answer: "Hello, Fat Rin?"

On the opposite side, Quan Rin's chirping voice came: "Sister, have you had lunch yet?"

Quan Jing: "Not yet."

Quan Rin: "That's right, let's eat together! I haven't eaten yet."

Looking at the other girls in the dormitory, Quan Jing refused: "No, I'll eat with my roommate."

After all, they are also roommates who will live together for four years. When meeting for the first time, it is better not to be too special.

Quan Lin said sullenly, "Alright then."

After hanging up the phone, Quan Jing proposed to go out to eat.

(End of this chapter)

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