The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 223 The Right Person

Chapter 223 The Right Person
After finishing Jiang Yiren, Kong Xiao returned to the office and remembered Qiao Shuai's phone call.

After thinking about it, he still planned to find out from Feng Zhe first.

So, he called Feng Zhe.

at the same time.

Office of the Assistant President.

Feng Zhe was sitting in front of the computer, typing something on the keyboard quickly.

Jingle Bell--

A cell phone ringing interrupted his train of thought.

Feng Zhe stopped, picked up his phone, and raised his eyebrows slightly when he saw "Mr. Longya" displayed on the screen.

Strange, why does the boss, the editor, always call him?
As this thought flashed by, Feng Zhe swiped the screen and answered: "Hello?"

Kong Xiao smiled and said, "Hi, assistant boss, well, I want to ask you something, I wonder if it's convenient for you now?"

Feng Zhe was surprised and asked him something?
Could it be... about the boss?

He clenched his fist and coughed lightly, "Is it my boss's business?"

Kong Xiao thought in his heart, this person really deserves to be the boss's assistant, he guessed right!

He nodded here, and told Feng Zhe about Qiao Shuai looking for him.

At the end of the hearing, Feng Zhe basically understood.

He stroked his chin, thought for a while, and then replied: "I can only tell you, the boss means... choose the right person."

Kong Xiao: "Choose the right person?"

That is to say, the cast does not look at the fame of the actor, nor does it look at the size of the backstage, but only choose the most suitable person?

After hanging up the phone, Kong Xiao waited for a minute, took a deep breath, and then dialed Nangong Yuting's landline.

While waiting, Kong Xiao was extremely nervous.

It's like going back to when I was in college and worried that I would fail the exam!
It's really strange, even in the face of Chu Xingzhi, he never did this.

Shaking off the unrealistic thoughts in his mind, Kong Xiao reached out and patted his face.

After a while, the phone was connected, and a familiar but indifferent voice sounded from the microphone: "Hello?"

Kong Xiao: "..." The boss is really cold, he doesn't want to say a word.

He didn't daze for a long time, and quickly expressed Qiao Shuai's meaning, Feng Zhe mentioned his words, and said it again with his understanding.

When it came to the end, Kong Xiao was even a little cautious: "...Boss, do you have any special candidates in mind for this casting?"

At first hearing, Nangong Yuting was startled.

The special person in your heart?Yes, but he doesn't want to.

So, he replied coldly: "No."

How did Kong Xiao know that Nangong Yuting was thinking for a while, muttered something in his heart, and was about to hang up the phone, when the image of Chu Xingzhi pointing at him and jumping like a thunder suddenly popped up in his mind.

The corner of his mouth twitched, and he couldn't hold back and asked again: "Big guy, when is your second painting... when are you going to release it?" It's been half a month since the first painting, and there is still no movement...

Inexplicably, Kong Xiao felt a little frustrated.

Authors from other families, whoever is not obedient, don't need editors to remind them to update.

Only he, bitter, didn't even dare to urge him!
Unfortunately, the boss is always staring at him.

Alas, he is also tired.

Nangong Yuting squinted his eyes, glanced at the date, and parted his thin lips lightly: "Tonight."

Just two words, like the sound of thunder, suddenly exploded in Kong Xiao's ears.


He has finally come to his rescue!

So much so that when he hung up the phone, Nangong Yuting could feel his joyful mood: "Big brother, I won't disturb your work anymore. If there's anything else, just tweet me."

Nangong Yuting let out a "hmm" and hung up the phone.

Looking at the date on the bottom right of the notebook, his eyes flickered...

(End of this chapter)

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