The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 230 Circle, add a WeChat

Chapter 230 Circle, add a WeChat
Quan Jing thought that her memory was not bad.

But Nangong Yuting's words obviously confused her.

Why didn't she remember that she had seen him before?
After a while, Nangong Yuting bent over, approached Quan Jing, and whispered something in her ear.

Just one sentence made Quan Jing's eyes widen suddenly.

How did he know about that place?
Seeing her expression, Nangong Yuting slightly hooked his lips and smiled.

He knew, she remembered.

After all, the experience that day was not particularly "beautiful".

Quan Jing took two steps back in fright, pointed at Nangong Yuting, and blinked: "Are you... Brother Yuting?"

After a long absence, Nangong Yuting was very satisfied.

In the next second, Quan Jing refuted himself again: "But it's not right, Brother Yu Ting obviously..."

etc!What did Sister Yinyin tell her before?She said, Nangong Yuting is back.


"You really are..." Quan Jing was still very skeptical.

How could it be so coincidental?
Nangong Yuting is the old brother Yuting!

She vaguely remembered that that year, when she was still young, she sneaked out while the housekeeper and Mama Liu were not paying attention.

After walking around the corner for a long time, I finally saw an ice cream shop.

She wants to eat, but has no money.

Finally, the boss agreed to treat her to a meal, when a man suddenly appeared and carried her away from the shop.

Later, a little brother appeared, snatched her away from that man, and treated her to ice cream...

Recalling this, Quan Jing was a little dazed.

The world is too small!
Nangong Yuting looked at her dotingly: "Remember?"

Quan Jing opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say for a moment, so he just nodded.

It's so embarrassing.

Seeing the girl's appearance, Nangong Yuting smiled: "Now, can I make you circle?"

Quan Jing subconsciously wanted to refuse, but when she thought of the ice cream, she lowered her head again.

That aggrieved look really made Nangong Yuting laugh.

He clenched his fist and put it next to his mouth, coughing lightly: "After the military training is over, it's National Day, where are you going to play?"

Such natural words just came out of Nangong Yuting's mouth.

Quan Jing was stunned, apparently he didn't expect him to change the subject suddenly.

Nangong Yuting: "Huh?"

Quan Jing blinked and shook her head: "I don't know yet."

Perhaps, even Quan Jing herself didn't realize it.

When she knew that Nangong Yuting was the little brother from her childhood, her attitude softened a lot.

So, Nangong Yuting pursued the victory and took out his mobile phone: "Quanquan, add a WeChat."

Quan Jing: "???" This man, he refused to add a girl just now, why now...

After a long time, she replied, "I didn't bring my mobile phone."

Nangong Yuting: "..."

He heard that she meant to refuse, and he didn't force it: "Then let's add it later when there is a chance."

Quan Jing raised her eyes, glanced at him, and said nothing.

the next day.

Military training officially ended.

The freshmen cried farewell to the instructors, and even the girls cried sporadically.

The other classes were fine, but the students in Quan Jing's class didn't even dare to hug Nangong Yuting.

Who dares to hug this?
As soon as the person passed by, Nangong Yuting cast a cold look over her, her legs went limp from fright.

Sheng Ke looked at Quan Jing, then at Nangong Yuting.

Suddenly, she stretched out her hand and pushed Quan Jing's back.

Quan Jing, who had no defenses for a while, fell directly to Nangong Yuting...

Just when everyone thought that Nangong Yuting would ignore him, he reached out and supported Quan Jing.

(End of this chapter)

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