Chapter 242

When Ji Lingqiong was chatting with Quan Jing, the first floor of the clubhouse almost turned upside down.

In the blink of an eye, Quan Tianxiang discovered that his precious daughter was missing...

Not only Quan Jing, but even Wen Shuwan disappeared.

He asked around, but no one knew where the mother and daughter had gone!
When Nangong Yuting came back, he saw Quan Tianxiang pulling someone to ask something.

Knowing that Quan Tianxiang is a wife slave and daughter-in-law, if he can show this look, it must have something to do with Wen Shuwan and Quan Jing!

Thinking of this, Nangong Yuting strode over: "President Quan, what happened?"

Seeing Nangong Yuting, Quan Tianxiang frowned fiercely.

Just now, he saw this guy holding his family's hand.

But in the blink of an eye, the circle disappeared, and even his wife was gone!
However, Quan Tianxiang knew very well that today is the Nangong family's home court, so he couldn't save face, so he lowered his voice and said, "Where did you take the circle?"

Nangong Yuting: "?" Wasn't Quanquan still there just now... Wait!The circle is gone?
He summoned the manager of the clubhouse and asked about the situation.

The manager of the club shook his head: "I'm sorry, Young Master Ting, I didn't see the mother and daughter you mentioned."

Nangong Yuting's face darkened instantly.

There is still someone who can take away the circle under his nose!

He looked back, and commanded Feng Zhe coldly: "Don't disturb the others, find someone from room to room for me!"

Immediately, he looked at Quan Tianxiang with a serious face: "Mr. Quan, don't worry, I will definitely bring...Miss Quan to you intact."

Quan Tianxiang snorted coldly and continued to look for someone.

When Feng Zhe was arranging people, Nangong Yuting looked around, and then saw Nangong Mo who was crouching in the corner and didn't know what he was doing, so he walked over.

The low voice fell into Nangong Mo's ears suddenly: "A Mo."

Nangong Mo was trembling all over, stood up quickly, hid the phone behind his back, and stammered: "Little...Uncle, what...what's the matter?"

Nangong Yuting frowned: "Have you seen Quan Jing?"

Nangong Mo blinked: "Ah? You were still here just now..."

Hearing this, Nangong Yuting frowned even deeper.

Just as he was about to lift his foot to leave, he heard another sentence in his ear, "...I seem to have seen a servant take my young lady and aunt away."

With a whoosh, Nangong Yuting lifted Nangong Mo's collar: "Which attendant? Where is he!"

Nangong Mo was taken aback, and stammered even more: "I, I, I... I don't know."

Just in time, the attendant who brought Wen Shuwan and Quan Jing upstairs came over, Nangongmo pointed at the figure who had just passed by reflexively: "Uncle, that's him!"

Nangong Yuting's Mo Tong narrowed his eyes: "Are you sure?"

Nangong Mo nodded frantically: "Sure!"

In the next second, Nangong Yuting let go of him and called the attendant to stop.

In front, the attendant turned around blankly, and when he saw Nangong Yuting staring at him coldly, he was startled: "Master Ting is calling me?"

Nangong Yuting quickly took a few steps forward, her voice was extremely cold: "Where is the girl you took away just now?"

The servant told the truth without any burden.

Knowing that Quan Jing was called away by someone sent by Nangong Lingyun, Nangong Yuting frowned.

What does this old guy want to do?
The attendant stood aside and asked in a low voice, "Master Ting, can I go?"

Nangong Yuting waved his hand.

The servant nodded politely and left.

The rest of Nangong Yuting stood there. After a long time, he lifted his foot and walked towards the second floor...

(End of this chapter)

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