The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 251 Where You Are, There Is Light

Chapter 251 Where You Are, There Is Light
Stared at the screen for three seconds.

Nangong Yuting clicked on Weibo again.

He actually has a Weibo account.

I especially remember that at the beginning, Kong Xiao’s “stalker” insisted on making him register for one, saying it was for publicity.

He was annoyed, so he registered one casually and muddled through.

Relying on his super memory, Nangong Yuting logged into his Weibo account.

However, what caught the eye was a patch of red.

Countless tweets, comments, likes, and 99+ private messages and followers... All of a sudden, his Weibo got stuck!
Nangong Yuting frowned.

His weibo, except for the day of registration, has never been managed since then.

Except for the account name, everything else is the most original system avatar, system updates... Even his attention is 0.

But who will tell him why a Weibo with long grass has as many as 100 million followers?


JY Times Aite loves you.

Nangong Yuting: "???"

He was sure that no one else knew about his Weibo account except Kong Xiao.

Another one, Qiao Shuai is not so smart...

Oddly enough, he clicked in and took a look.

Only then did I understand the ins and outs of the matter.

JY Times V: [The drama version of "Where I Don't Meet You" will be officially launched on October 10th, directed by @苏子宇, original work @妇//@龙牙V: Waiting for the filming of the big guy's work to start @御//@电视剧哪里不见You: where you are, there is light—Nanfei]

But obviously, his attention didn't just skyrocket today.

He frowned slightly, and clicked on Longya's Weibo.

Except for the first retweeted article, the second, third...even countless articles, nine out of ten are from Aite's Weibo account.

Nangong Yuting glanced at it from the corner of her eye, and saw the message that Kong Xiao sent three days ago.

Longya V: [Anxious, wait for the boss @御新作三画 (Crazy expression pack)]

On the last day of September, his third painting has not been released for a long time, so it is no wonder that Kong Xiao is so anxious.

As he scrolled down, he was almost anxious about when he would release a new work, when he would hold a signing event...

Nangong Yuting clicked his tongue, quit Longya's Weibo, and turned to the hot search list again.

At this time, the hot search about Quan Jing still ranked first on the hot search list.

Just as Nangong Yuting was about to click in to find out, a new call popped up on his mobile phone.

The familiar number gave him a headache.

He rubbed between his brows, slid his fingertips, and answered, "Hello?"

On the other end of the phone, Qi Feibai's almost screaming voice sounded: "Yu Ting! That thing was done by Tang Ru on his own, it has nothing to do with me, it wasn't done by me!"

Nangong Yuting: "..." This is all a mess.

It's a pity that Qi Feibai failed to catch Nangong Yuting's heart, and continued to chatter endlessly: "I made it clear to her last time, and she also acquiesced... who knows that she has made such a fuss now, Oh shit, I'm about to explode!"

Nangong Yuting narrowed his eyes, and under his clear face, there was an uncontrollable evil: "Oh?"

The icy cold voice poured on Qi Feibai's head like a basin of cold water.

He couldn't help shivering, and took a deep breath: "Yu Ting, you...are you not angry?"

Nangong Yuting smiled: "What do you think?"


Every time, his tone is like this.

Qi Feibai laughed and changed the subject: "Then what, Yu Ting, when will you call your little girlfriend out, let's have a meal together and get to know each other."

According to He Yixuan, Quan Jing's real person is even more amazing than the photos.

As the saying goes, there is no basis for empty words.

(End of this chapter)

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