Chapter 262 IQ is Zero
Ding dong.

"You have successfully added Circle 3 as a friend, and you can start chatting now."

Nangong Yuting stared at the phone screen for three seconds, then looked up, looked down again, and looked again.

After a while, he called out in a hoarse voice: "Feng Zhe."

Feng Zhe turned his head: "Boss, did you call me?"

Nangong Yuting handed him the mobile phone screen: "This means that the addition is successful, doesn't it?"

Feng Zhe was taken aback.

When his eyes fell on the screen of the mobile phone, he understood immediately, and nodded affirmatively: "Yes, boss, you are already friends."

Then, Nangong Yuting took back the phone and let out an "um" in a good mood.

Feng Zhe: "..." It really is a man in love with zero IQ.

Nangong Yuting, who had no idea that his assistant was complaining about him in his heart, typed a line on the screen, felt bad, deleted it, continued typing, and deleted it again...

After repeating this over and over again, in the end, he only sent one sentence: "Circle circle?"


in the room.

Quan Jing struggled in her heart for a long time, and finally agreed.

For some reason, when she looked at the chat window between the two, she had some inexplicable expectations?
However, after waiting for a long time, the other party did not respond.

She was about to put down her phone when "The other party is typing..." popped up on the top of the screen.

But, one second, two seconds... Ten seconds passed, and the other party didn't send anything.

Quan Jing thought, maybe he bumped into something accidentally.

Secretly laughing at himself, Quan Jing put his phone on the bedside table to charge, took his pajamas, and went to take a shower.

Nangong Yuting, who didn't even know that there was no one beside Quan Jing's phone, after sending out the message, it was like a stone sinking into the ocean, and there was no response.

In an instant, the air pressure in the compartment froze to three feet.

Feng Zhe: "???" What's the matter?
Until he returned to the old house, he did not receive a reply from Quan Jing.

As a result, after getting off the car, Feng Zhe followed Nangong Yuting step by step, not daring to say a word.

When the housekeeper saw him, he respectfully called out, "Master Ting."

Nangong Yuting went upstairs to the study as if she was unknown.

Standing not far away, Feng Zhe trembled.

"How's Su Ziyu's preparation going?" A low voice suddenly rang out in the study.

Feng Zhe trembled, took out a document from his briefcase, and handed it to Nangong Yuting: "This is the actor candidate that Director Su tentatively decided on."

Nangong Yuting glanced at ten lines, with a cold expression: "Well, what else?"

Feng Zhe took out another document like a juggler: "Boss, this is the authorization contract from Mr. Long Ya, which is about the secondary publication of all your works..."


An abrupt sound interrupted Feng Zhe's words.

Nangong Yuting took out his phone expressionlessly, and was taken aback when he saw the new message that popped up.

Circle 3 times: [Nangong Yuting? 】

Seeing the girl imitating his speech, Nangong Yuting's mouth curved slightly.

Compared with her previous life, the girl is much bolder now.

Nangong Yuting chuckled, ignored Feng Zhe's existence, and took the lead in replying to Quan Jing: "Nangong Yuting? Huh?"

Although it was just words, Nangong Yuting seemed to hear the girl calling him by her full name and surname.

Sweet and soft voice, very crisp, very crisp...

Not knowing whether it was his teasing or what, Quan Jing replied "...".

Without teasing her any more, Nangong Yuting asked seriously: "Let's have lunch together tomorrow?"

This time, Quan Jing didn't reply in a second.

After waiting for about a minute, her reply came...

 Guess if Quanquan will agree?Ask for tickets~
(End of this chapter)

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