Chapter 285 Too lazy to be like a pig...

call out!
With one hand, under the astonished eyes of everyone, he caught the basketball.

Looking along that hand, everyone only met a pair of cold-blooded eyes.

In those black eyes, there is endless blackness, and... coldness.

Sheng Ke twisted his neck and sneered, "Oh."


The basketball that was caught by her, just like that, was dunked back by her casually, bounced strangely, made a circle, hit a tree, made another leap, and then... bounced into the basketball hoop.

Everyone: "!!!" Hidden boss!

In the crowd, someone gasped, pointed at the bald man holding Quan Jing, and said, "He, he, he... isn't he the boss of the Baihutang, known as the tough and invincible...Brother Qiang?" Why, why did he come to our school?"

People are always so curious about the unknown.

It doesn't matter what time it is or whether it is suitable for gossip.

Seeing that Quan Jing was "rescued" by Sheng Ke, Quan Lin breathed a sigh of relief.

On second thought, hey, that's not right, his sister is still being caught by that man!
Quan Lin is an idiot, and ran over in a daze, pointing at the bald uncle: "Hey, I tell you, I have already called the police. If you don't let go of my sister, believe it or not, I will let the police arrest you!"

Quan Jing: "..." I knew my brother was stupid, but I didn't know that he would be so stupid.


Hearing Quan Rin's voice, the bald uncle turned his head and glanced at him: "Oh, call me, let's see who dares to arrest me Shengqiang!"

Quan Rin: "???" Why didn't this man follow the routine, how could he save his sister like this!
No, you can't be led into a ditch by him.

Quan Rin has a big body and looks majestic and high-spirited.

He opened his mouth and was about to say something when Sheng Ke took him aside with one hand.

This time, Quan Rin was really shocked.

Emma, ​​he weighs 180 Jin.Is his sister's roommate a Hercules?How could he lift him with one hand!
The cold voice, like a cold wind, entered the ears of everyone present: "Old Sheng, what exactly do you want?"

Hearing that the baby girl was willing to talk to him, the bald uncle's grip on Quan Jing's neck decreased a bit: "Oh, look at what you said, Dad didn't think about it, he just wanted you to go back. You see, once you leave, All the guys in the hall are too lazy to act like pigs..."

On the side, Quan Rin couldn't help laughing out loud.

I thought the other party was a tiger, but it turned was a fox.


A pair of sharp eyes looked at him, Quan Rin scratched his head foolishly, and said to Sheng Ke familiarly: "Sister Ke, I will leave my sister to you. I have something else to do. Let's go first, bye."

Knowing that Sheng Ke is here, his sister will be fine.

Quan Rin turned and left very relieved.

Quan Jing: "..." This is not her silly brother.

Uncle Bald: "???"

A group of men in black: "???" This man is probably not a fool!

Who is it bad for him to hand over to, Miss?

How could the eldest miss... No, the eldest miss really knows how to control!
Taking advantage of the bald uncle and their attention on Quan Rin, Sheng Ke grabbed Quan Jing's right hand with his left hand, and Quan Jing with his right hand, bringing her safely behind her.

The whole movement is done in one go, without panting at all.

Quan Rin, who hadn't gone far, heard a gasp.

Looking back, he saw the scene of his sister being safe.

He smiled slightly and left with more confidence.

Lu Liangchen who wanted to be a hero to save the beauty: "..." Nima, there is no place for him to use "martial arts", his roommate can solve it with one hand, okay!
Wow, so much!
Look at the force value of others, that's awesome!

(End of this chapter)

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