The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 287 You are on the trending search again!

Chapter 287 You are on the trending search again!

312 Dormitory.

Sheng Ke kicked the door of the dormitory angrily.

The movement was so loud that it disturbed the people in the dormitory next door.

When they came out, there was a bang, and the door was slammed shut again.

Quan Jing: "..." A Ke's temper is very grumpy today.

However, when facing Quan Jing, Sheng Ke regained his composure.

Pulling her to sit down, he told her, "Sit down and don't move around."

Quan Jing blinked, but she was really obedient and didn't move.

Not long after, she saw Sheng Ke coming over with a first aid kit.

Quan Jing: "???"

Thinking she was in pain, Sheng Ke comforted her a little stiffly: "I'll be gentle, and I won't hurt you."

Quan Jing's question mark face: "What?"

Sheng Ke coughed lightly, took out a cotton swab, dipped it in alcohol, and prepared to disinfect her: "Well, on your neck..."

Knowing that Quan Jing and the others are in the entertainment industry, the most important thing is face.

The scar on the neck is so obvious, if it is not dealt with quickly, it will take at least a week to disappear.

Although Sheng Qiang didn't use much force, he was ruthless in the first blow.

As a result, Quan Jing felt the pain belatedly.

It's not that kind of piercing pain, it's just a stabbing pain.

Sheng Ke seems to have treated someone's wounds often, and his movements are very skillful.

Looking at it, Quan Jing lost his mind.

"When I grow up..." The phone rang suddenly, in this quiet dormitory, it was very ear-piercing.

Sheng Ke stopped applying the medicine, took out the mobile phone from the bag for Quan Jing, and handed it to her.

Seeing the caller ID on the phone screen, Quan Jing was so startled that he almost jumped up from his chair.

Noticing her strangeness, Sheng Ke raised his eyebrows.

Quan Jing didn't care about applying the medicine for a while, pointed to the balcony to Sheng Ke, said silently "I'll answer the phone", and strode towards the balcony.

Han Dongqing is very busy.

I was so busy that I didn't even have time to drink water.

Of course, 10 minutes ago.

Her assistant, Xiao Chen, knocked on the door of her office.

After entering, she showed her a video without saying a word.

Han Dongqing looked down suspiciously, and at the end, she stood up abruptly.

A thought flashed in my mind: Quan Jing was killed!
When she noticed that the video was released 10 minutes ago, she thought to herself: It's over...

After she calmed down, she realized something was wrong.

No, 10 minutes ago, if something really happened to Quan Jing, Xiao Chen wouldn't have this expression.

Han Dongqing narrowed her eyes and asked, "Xiao Chen, Quan Jing is safe, right?"

Xiao Chen nodded.

The video only took the first half, so Han Dongqing mistakenly thought that something happened to Quan Jing.

After learning the ins and outs of the matter from Xiaochen, she waved her hand to let her go out first.

After propping his forehead and thinking for a while, Han Dongqing picked up his phone and called Quan Jing.

The phone rang for about a minute before the other party answered.

Before she could make a sound, a soft voice sounded from the microphone: "Sister Han..."

Having been in contact with Quan Jing for so long, she more or less knew that the more she behaved, the more guilty she was.

Han Dongqing's expression was serious, and she was not going to fool her: "Be honest."

Quan Jing: "..."

With her mouth pursed, she dismissed the matter as a trivial matter, and simply said the matter.

At the end, Han Dongqing gritted her teeth: "This matter is still small? Do you know that you are on the hot search again!"

Quan Jing let out an "ah", apparently still not aware of her hot search.

She muttered something in a low voice, so soft that Han Dongqing didn't hear it clearly.

Han Dongqing couldn't bear the fact that he was an artist under his command, and asked with concern, "How is the injury? Is it serious?"

Quan Jing smiled sweetly: "It's not heavy, it will be fine tomorrow."

I don't know if Han Dongqing believed it or not, so after giving Quan Jing a few words, she hung up the phone.

(End of this chapter)

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