The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 289 Unforgettable

Chapter 289 Unforgettable
Zhai Tianzhao nodded in satisfaction as he looked at the first batch of completed peripheral products.

After packing the peripherals in exquisite packaging boxes, he was about to have someone send them to the Royal Garden.

Before he had time to act, his boss called and said that he would come to pick it up in person.

Zhai Tianzhao: "!!!"

He was so scared that he immediately took out the packaged surroundings and checked them carefully again.

after an hour.

Nangong Yuting appeared in the design department.

When he knew that he was coming, Zhai Tianzhao made the decision and gave Jiang Lili a half-day vacation with pay.

Although she was a bit puzzled, when she heard that there was still money to be paid for rest, and that no rest would be worthless, Jiang Lili happily agreed.

As soon as Nangong Yuting appeared, Xu Zihang floated over from nowhere: "Boss! You're here."

Zhai Tianzhao pushed him away and led Nangong Yuting to look at the surrounding finished products.

Picking up a ceramic water cup set by the male host, Nangong Yuting was full of thoughts.

Different from Nan Fei's aloofness, Mo Bai is very venomous, and even a little naughty.

It should be said... Mo Bai is the most "annoying" hero in all his works.

However, it made these girls never forget it!

Seeing Nangong Yuting staring at the water glass for a long time, Zhai Tianzhao trembled, thinking that there was something wrong: "Boss, is there something wrong with this... water glass?"

It shouldn't be, he has checked several times just now, and there is not even a gap.

Just when Zhai Tianzhao was burning with anxiety, Nangong Yuting put down the water glass and shook his head: "No, it's perfect."

This sentence "perfect", I don't know if it is talking about the water glass, or the character design on the water glass...

Taking away the surroundings from the studio, Nangong Yuting drove back to the imperial garden.

Royal garden, collection room.

Nangong Yuting pushed open the door.

In the room, rows of cabinets are filled with surroundings.

In addition to the ones sent by the studio, there are also those sent by the publishing house.

After sorting out the complete set of "Where I Don't Meet You", Nangong Yuting called Feng Zhe: "Tell two people to come to Yuyuan."

Feng Zhe was stunned: "???" Why did the boss suddenly ask people to go to the Royal Garden? Didn't he forbid people to go there!

He was puzzled in his heart, but he quickly responded: "Yes, boss!"

after an hour.

Feng Zhe brought two company security guards to Yuyuan.

When he was about to arrive, he received a text message from his boss: [When you arrive, just come in, the door is unlocked]

With this text message, Feng Zhe walked into the hall with the security guard at ease.

At a glance, he saw Nangong Yuting sitting on the sofa, and... the big package at his feet.

Feng Zhe was stunned for a moment, and asked the two security guards to stop. He stepped forward and called out, "Boss."

Hearing the sound, Nangong Yuting raised his eyes, and a hoarse voice sounded in the hall: "Here we come."

Feng Zhe subconsciously straightened his body: "Yes, what orders does the boss have?"

Nangong Yuting lifted his chin and pointed to the big package under his feet: "Send this to Quanquan, so that people can handle it with care, so that it won't break."

As if thinking of something, he said again: "By the way, just use a pseudonym, don't leave your number, just write down your address."

Feng Zhe: "..." Sending things to others without letting others know, what kind of evil is this, boss?
After a long time without seeing a reaction from him, Nangong Yuting squinted: "Is there a problem?"

Feng Zhe was startled, and shook his head again and again: "No." How dare he have any objections.

After a while, he beckoned to the two security guards outside the door, asking them to move the package out and leave the imperial garden.

(End of this chapter)

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