The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 299 The Fairy Benxian

Chapter 299 The Fairy Benxian
the back seat of the car.

Quan Lin hugged the pillow and leaned against the seat, squinted his eyes, and continued to sleep.

Quan Jing ignored him, took out his mobile phone, and showed Uncle Zhou the address of his destination: "Uncle Zhou, let's go to this place, can we arrive at 08:30?"

No matter what, Uncle Zhou has been the old driver of the Quan family for many years. He has long been familiar with the road conditions in Nanshi and cannot be more familiar with it.

Just taking a glance, he has already filtered several routes in his mind: "Don't worry, miss, I promise to arrive before 08:30."

two hours later.

A private Volkswagen parked at the gate of Fengyun Fashion Magazine.

Uncle Zhou stopped the car: "Miss, we are here."

Looking at the tens of stories of buildings outside the car window, Quan Jing's eyes were full of surprises.

This place has been far away from the suburbs, but it has the same bustling scene as the city center...

Quan Jing blinked, carrying a backpack, and kicked Quan Rin to wake him up. When he looked over with his big innocent eyes, she got out of the car calmly.

Quan Rin rubbed his head, stretched in the car, got out of the car with Uncle Zhou's reminder, and caught up with his sister.

Han Dongqing has arrived early.

When she saw Quan Jing, she went up to meet her directly: "Are you here?"

However, when he noticed Quan Rin following Quan Jing, Han Dongqing was slightly stunned.

Quan Jing explained: "It's Sister Han like this. I'm not very familiar with this place. Fat Rin has been here before, so I just wanted him to come and show me the way."

Han Dongqing didn't say anything, but before entering, she still said: "If the staff asks later, just say he is your assistant, and don't say too much, understand?"

Quan Jing nodded.

So, Quan Rin became his sister's assistant in such a muddled way.

The shooting location was on the fifth floor.

Han Dongqing and the others took the elevator up directly.


The elevator door opens.

Han Dongqing went out first, Quan Jing followed closely behind, and Quan Rin also followed his sister's side step by step.

Walking in front of a handsome man, Han Dongqing stopped, stretched out his hand, and showed a businesslike professional smile: "Director Lin, my artist is still a newcomer, and I need to ask you more for today's commercial shooting."

Lin Shuhua helped down the glasses frame, and shook hands back: "Sister Han, look at what you said, we are all in a cooperative relationship, so you can rest assured that you will hand over the artist to us, and I promise that our photographer teacher will take good photos of your artist. Beautiful."

After exchanging a few pleasantries, Han Dongqing introduced Quan Jing: "Quan Jing, this is Lin Shuhua, the director of Fengyun Fashion Magazine."

A generous and decent smile appeared on Quan Jing's face: "Hello Director Lin."

Seeing real Quan Jing for the first time, Lin Shuhua was stunned.

Oh my God!Where is this little fairy from?How can it be so beautiful!
No wonder those people on the Internet call her "Little Fairy", this is simply a fairy!

Such a prosperous beauty is definitely rare in the world!

While talking, a group of people came from outside.

Lin Shuhua glanced at the person leading the way ahead, and waved to him: "Xiao Su, come here."

The person called Xiao Su said "Sorry" to the people around him, and then walked towards Lin Shuhua: "Director, are you calling me?"

Lin Shuhua gave a "hmm", pointed to Quan Jing and said, "This is the spokesperson for the theme of our magazine's next issue, Quan Jing, you can take her to familiarize herself with the environment later."

Before Xiao Su could speak, a cold and charming female voice came from far to near: "Quan Jing?"

Quan Jing heard the reputation, who was calling her?
(End of this chapter)

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