The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 305 These people are really noisy!

Chapter 305 These people are really noisy!
When Wu Jingwen left, Sheng Ke turned his head and looked at Quan Jing.

Sensing her gaze, Quan Jing smiled sweetly at her.

Sheng Ke was also taken aback when she was suddenly hit by the beauty.

After an unknown amount of time, she said lightly, "Why did you agree to him?"

Although she has not known Quan Jing for a long time, she can feel that Quan Jing is actually a person who is afraid of trouble.

Preparing for a welcome party, just rehearsing, there are some running-in with people.

Anyway, she didn't like it.

Quan Jing looked down at her toes, and her unhurried words came to Sheng Ke's ears with the cool wind.

"Because, I like to sing," she said.

This is the first time Quan Jing said in front of Sheng Ke that she likes to sing.

The tone is flat, but there is an indescribable longing.

Sheng Ke pursed her lips and said nothing.

The two sat on the bench for a while before returning to the dormitory.

It was exactly four o'clock that afternoon.

When Quan Jing appeared at the rehearsal site of the welcome party, the members of the student union who were preparing for the work were all stunned.

"Little Fairy" rang out in Quan Jing's ears one after another.

She showed a bright smile and waved to greet everyone: "Hello."

Another series of screams.

Sheng Ke who came with Quan Jing couldn't help frowning.

These people are so noisy!
The movement surprised Wu Jingwen and... Lu Liangchen who were preparing in the background.

Lu Liangchen narrowed his eyes: "What's going on ahead?"

Wu Jingwen shook his head: "I don't know, go and see?"

When the two of them appeared and saw Quan Jing surrounded by a group of people...

The two looked at each other.

In the next second, Lu Liangchen took the lead and stepped forward: "The ones in front, make way."

Normally, Lu Liangchen's voice would definitely cause people to swarm to make way.

It's a pity... Quan Jing's influence is too great.

Sheng Ke, who was also surrounded in the middle, picked out his ears indecently, and frowned into the word "Chuan".

grass!These people are so loud!

Sentence after sentence came from my ear, once Quan Jing spoke, it would be covered by other voices...

Sheng Ke, who couldn't bear it any longer, took out a ribbon from his pocket?
Yes, it is a ribbon.

She lowered her head and said something in Quan Jing's ear, then tied Quan Jing's right hand with a ribbon, and tied the other end of the ribbon to her left hand.

In the next second, Sheng Ke grabbed Quan Jing's waist, exerted strength on her toes, borrowed the knees, hands, and shoulders of the people next to her, and easily led Quan Jing away from the group of people.

Lu Liangchen and Wu Jingwen, who witnessed all this not far away: "!!!" This person can fly?
No, it's not flying, it's using strength.

The people who were still chattering and twittering reacted belatedly: "!!!" Emma, ​​it's amazing!
After landing safely, Quan Jing looked at Sheng Ke again with eyes full of admiration.

Ake was so handsome just now!
After taking back the ribbon, Sheng Ke turned his head and asked, "Are you okay?"

However, when she met Shang Quanjing's shining eyes, she was stunned.

No, what is that look in her eyes?It looks strange... infiltrating.

Without looking at Quan Jing again, when she turned her head to look at the group of people, Sheng Ke's words were sharp and full of hostility: "You all shut up, you are so noisy."

With what happened just now, and the fact that someone knew Sheng Ke's identity, everyone fell silent for a while.

Who dares to provoke Witch Sheng?
The noisy rehearsal scene instantly became quiet.

at this time……

A sudden ringtone of the mobile phone rang.

Everyone saw Sheng Ke taking out his cell phone from his pocket with a displeased expression, and then answered the phone coldly: "What's the matter?"

(End of this chapter)

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