The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 307 Afraid of You Doing Stupid Things

Chapter 307 Afraid of You Doing Stupid Things

Sheng Ke, who returned to the dormitory, locked herself in the bathroom without saying a word.

Her speed was too fast for Quan Jing to react.

When she came back to her senses, the bathroom door was not only closed, but also locked by Sheng Ke from the inside!
Quan Jing twisted twice and didn't open it. Just as he reached out to knock on the door, he suddenly remembered Sheng Ke's temper, and silently put down his hand again.

After a while, she put her ear against the door and listened carefully to the movement inside.

However, it's too quiet...

She heard nothing.

in the bathroom.

Sheng Ke slid against the door and sat on the ground.

One leg was straight and the other was bent. She put her hand on the bent knee, rested her head on her arm, closed her eyes tightly, and her face was still ugly.

"Ke Ke", even now, she still finds it ironic.

Where did he get the face to call her by that name?
Mother left because of his inaction and irresponsibility!

Just because that woman gave birth to him a son, her daughter is not human?
Ask yourself, after his mother left, did he control her at all?


But that's it, after she became an adult, he asked her to come back to help take care of Baihutang's affairs in a pretentious manner.

She thought, no matter what, he Sheng Qiang is also her biological father.

Just helped to take care of it for three years... Just three months ago, she overheard what Sheng Qiang said to several deacons in the hall.

what did he say?
She still finds those words ridiculous!
He actually wanted her to continue to take care of things in the church and help his son...

Oh, it's wishful thinking!

His son is 14 years old.

What was she doing when she was 14?
Oh, she was already a fifth-degree black belt at that time, but because of her young age, many people didn't take her seriously.

Not only that, she was also the Sanda champion for three consecutive years.

When she won the championship for the first time, she was only 12 years old.

She beat the other party until his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, but she couldn't please herself.

However, she still won the championship with her own ability!


Thinking of this, Sheng Ke looked up, took out a lollipop from his pocket, tore open the bag, put it in his mouth and chewed it.

The lollipops are strawberry flavored and very sweet.

At that moment, the bitterness in my heart seemed to be softened a little by the sweetness.

After sitting for a while, Sheng Ke got up, patted the unnecessary dust, and opened the bathroom door.

Quan Jing didn't pay attention and almost fell to the ground.

Fortunately, Sheng Ke caught her with quick eyes and hands.

Sheng Ke: "What are you doing?"

Quan Jing blinked, innocently: "Well, I'm afraid you will do something stupid."

Sheng Ke: "???"

Seeing the worry in Quan Jing's eyes, Sheng Ke couldn't laugh or cry for a moment.

She wouldn't die for such a trivial matter.

At most, it's a heartache, and it's just hard to calm down for a while.

She looked at Quan Jing carefully, her dark eyes were full of seriousness: "The person who can make me do stupid things has not appeared yet."

Quan Jing opened her mouth slightly, looking silly.

Sheng Ke had the thought of rubbing her head.

She thought so, and she simply did so.

Quan Jing whose head was rubbed inexplicably: "???"

Facing those big innocent eyes, Sheng Ke clenched his fists and coughed lightly on the side of his mouth.

The next second, Chi Yutong and Ye Qingqing walked in from the outside, talking and laughing.

Seeing Quan Jing and Sheng Ke blocking the door of the bathroom, they were stunned.

Chi Yutong is a person who can't hide his words.

She walked forward, with a curious expression on her face: "Little Fairy, what are you doing standing here?"

Quan Jing rubbed her nose embarrassingly, and shook her head with a smile: "It's okay, are you guys over? Are you hungry? Let's go to the cafeteria to have dinner together!"

For such an obvious change of subject, Chi Yutong was the only one who believed it.

(End of this chapter)

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