The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 310 The Blue Bar

Chapter 310 The Blue Bar
Quan Jing was about to say something when the familiar cell phone rang.

She fumbled in her pocket, but couldn't find her phone. Turning around, she saw Sheng Ke walking over with her phone.

After saying "Thank you" sweetly, she saw the three big characters "Sister Yinyin" constantly beating on the screen.

Quan Jing: "???" At this point, why would Sister Yinyin call her?

She swipe to answer.

Before he could speak, he heard a crackling sound like a bottle being smashed from the opposite side.

Quan Jing hurriedly called: "Sister Yinyin!"

However, the other party did not respond.

Gradually, intermittent voices came from the phone.

"My sister has lived for 28 years. What kind of men haven't met? I want them to introduce me! Heh, everything is for my own good, I am! It's not all for their own sake..."

For a moment, Quan Jing was dumbfounded.

Miss Yinyin, what's wrong?How does she feel, she seems drunk?

Another male voice that did not belong to Nalan Yin sounded from the microphone: "Miss Nalan, you are drunk."

What followed was Nalanyin's extremely charming voice: "Huh? Drunk? No, I'm not drunk, I can still drink! You... go get me another bottle of whiskey..."

Immediately afterwards, Quan Jing heard a "bang--" from the opposite side, as if something fell to the ground.

It was this fall that the waiter saw the mobile phone in the call.

Glancing at Nalanyin who fell unconscious on the ground, the waiter struggled for a moment, then picked up the phone and said to the phone: "Hello, is this Miss Nalan's friend? It's convenient for you to come over now." Youlan Bar? This is private room 666, Miss Nalan is drunk..."

As soon as she heard that Nalanyin was drunk alone, Quan Jing stood up from her chair.

After saying a few words to the other end of the phone, she hung up the phone.

Find a windbreaker from the closet, put it on and said to Chi Yutong and the others: "I have something to go out now, A Ke, please put away the music score for me, I'll be back later."

She was too anxious, Sheng Ke subconsciously grabbed her wrist: "I'll go with you."

Quan Jing wanted to refuse, but after thinking about it, she agreed.

On the way, Quan Jing called Didi.

When she and Sheng Ke walked to the school gate, Master Didi just drove the car to the gate.

Unlike Ask Bar, Youlan Bar is a place for pure fun.

Quan Jing couldn't figure it out, how could Nalanyin go there?

Sensing her uneasiness, Sheng Ke comforted her: "It's okay."

Maybe it was because of Sheng Ke's presence, or maybe it was something else, Quan Jing gradually calmed down.

after an hour.

Youlan Bar.

Quan Jing and Sheng Ke get off the car.

The two went straight to the 666 private room.

Pushing open the door of the private room, Quan Jing couldn't help frowning due to the strong smell of alcohol.

Sister Yinyin, how much alcohol did you drink?

Following the dim light, Quan Jing saw Nalanyin holding a bottle of whiskey and continuing to drink.

At that moment, she couldn't tell what it was like, apart from being annoyed that Nalanyin didn't care about her body, she was more worried.

Now Nalanyin was filled with a deep sense of sadness.

The sound of pushing the door made the waiter who had been guarding look over.

Seeing that there were two little girls coming, the waiter was stunned.

The next second, when he saw that it was Quan Jing, he was even more confused.

Ignoring the waiter's shock, Quan Jing walked slowly to Nalanyin's side, calling in a low voice, "Sister Yinyin?"

The other party didn't respond, he squinted his eyes halfway, and continued to take a sip while holding the whiskey.

Quan Jing frowned, she really wanted to step forward and snatch the whiskey, but she knew that she couldn't...

(End of this chapter)

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