The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 315 Put it on my account

Chapter 315 Put it on my account

The other party was holding a notebook with horizontal lines, Quan Jing couldn't resist her kindness, and signed her.

Star chasing belongs to star chasing, but the debt still has to be settled.

The little girl at the cashier put away her notebook, and said again: "Little Fairy, this..."

Before she could finish her words, Quan Jing slightly grasped Nangong Yuting's cuff with her small hand, her thin lips were pursed, her eyes were innocent.

Nangong Yuting said lightly: "Please put it in my account."

The cashier girl ordered, recorded something on the computer, and then cast teasing eyes on the two of them.

Well, although this Mr. Nangong has a cold personality, he is generous and handsome. I heard that his family background is not bad, and if he matches a little fairy... just barely.

Little did he know that Nangong Yuting, who had been "commented" by the cashier girl, glanced at the little hand that was still holding onto his cuff, coughed lightly, and his faint voice fell into Quan Jing's ear: "Aren't you leaving?"

After Feng Zhe dealt with the group of bosses in the private room, he took the elevator downstairs and rushed downstairs. As soon as he got out of the elevator, he was shocked by the scene in front of him.

The boss and Quan Jing?

Feng Zhe looked down at his watch, it was now 35:[-] in the evening.

Didn't you say that Diyi's management is very strict?Why is Miss Quan Jing here?

Just thinking about it, Quan Jing raised her foot and walked towards him.

Standing over there, Nangong Yuting, who was about to leave, thought for a moment, but still chased after him.

Feng Zhe: "???"

Seeing the moment Nangong Yuting followed her into the private room, Quan Jing blinked twice, innocently.

Nangong Yuting rubbed his nose embarrassingly, his eyes flickered slightly: "Then what, I'm worried about you."

Hearing the other party's awkward explanation, Quan Jing burst out laughing.

In the blink of an eye, Quan Jing really had the illusion of returning to her childhood.

At that time, the little brother was also so natural...cute?

Back to the private room.

Nalanyin was still sitting on the ground holding the whiskey bottle, her hair in a high ponytail nodded and swayed with her.

Sheng Ke turned around leisurely when he heard the movement.

When she saw Nangong Yuting behind Quan Jing, she raised her eyebrows slightly, but stood calmly not far behind Nalan Yin.

Smelling the pungent smell of alcohol in the private room, Nangong Yuting frowned imperceptibly.

Walking up to Nalanyin, looking at the empty wine bottle in her bosom, Quanjing's head was covered with black lines.

"If in the next life..."

A cell phone rang suddenly.

Nalanyin, who was sitting on the ground in a daze, threw away the empty wine bottle and struggled to find her mobile phone.

The waiter who had been watching immediately handed over the phone: "Miss Nalan."

Nalanyin got the mobile phone, looked at the photo that popped up on the screen with hazy eyes, tilted his head slightly, his eyes were dazed.

She whispered softly: "It's not him..."

Quan Jing walked over, saw the caller ID on the screen, then looked at Nalanyin's appearance at the moment, thought for a moment, and coaxed softly: "Sister Yinyin, let me answer it for you."

Her voice was so familiar, Nalanyin stretched out the mobile phone in front of her without thinking, like a child: "Here, here you are."

Quan Jing stroked the hair on the back of Nalanyin's head, and swiped to answer.

Before she could open her mouth, a female voice came from the opposite side impatiently: "Yin'er, Mom won't force you. What time is it, kid? Where have you been?"

Quan Jing turned her head to look at Nalan Yin who was leaning her head on her shoulder, and sweetly said to the person on the other side of the microphone: "Aunt Rui, it's me, Quan Jing."

The first time she heard Quan Jing's voice on the phone, Rui Nan was taken aback. After a while, her eager voice gradually calmed down and became calm: "It's Quan Jing..."

(End of this chapter)

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