The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 320 Take a Wife Chapter

Chapter 320 Take a Wife Back
Three rounds of wine.

Qi Feibai sneaked up to He Yixuan at some point, and rubbed his shoulder against him: "Yixuan, have you noticed that Yu Ting seems to be in a good mood today?"

Men, happiness is nothing more than those few things.

But Nangong Yuting...

He Yixuan shook the red wine glass in his hand, as if he knew it by heart: "Then you have to ask him."

However, a certain idiot really went directly to ask Nangong Yuting.

He Yixuan walked to the side and was holding a piece of pastry ready to eat: "..." You idiot!
He walked over unhurriedly, and as soon as he approached, he heard, "Yu Ting, are you in a good mood today?"

Nangong Yuting glanced at Qi Feibai, and gave a faint "hmm".

He Yixuan thought that no one saw him, so he continued to listen.

Clinker, a voice suddenly sounded in his ear: "Does it sound good?"

He Yixuan subconsciously wanted to nod before reacting abruptly.

As soon as he looked up, he saw Nangong Yuting walking over at some point.

Qi Feibai moved his head closer to him: "Hey, Yixuan, what are you doing hiding here?"

He Yixuan: "..." Can this idiot not talk to him!
Ignoring these two people, Nangong Yuting walked to a secluded corner on the other side with the wine glass in hand.

He took out his cell phone from his pocket, wanting to see if Quan Jing had replied.

As a result, it was empty and there was no news.


"The power is less than 1%, and it will automatically shut down..."

Nangong Yuting pursed her lips: "..." Even a mobile phone would be against him.

As everyone knows, the next second his phone automatically shuts down.

He thought there was no reply to the WeChat message, but here it is...

By the time the party was over, it was already 02:30 in the morning.

At this point, Nangong Yuting did not return to the old house, but returned to the imperial garden.

Before leaving, Feng Zhe suddenly heard a sentence from his boss: "I will give you half a day off tomorrow."

Feng Zhe: "!!!" Really, really?He can rest for half a day!
Feng Zhe, who works almost every day 365 days a year, wept with joy.

You know, he only rests for less than five hours a day, sometimes even less than five hours!
His mobile phone is on standby 24 hours a day, and sometimes it is an extended version!
Woohoo!The boss was so kind, he actually gave him half a day off!
Nangong Yuting raised his eyebrows: "What? Don't want it?"

Feng Zhe nodded again and again: "Yes, yes!" How could he not, his mother called him two days ago to urge him, asking when he would bring her a daughter-in-law back.

He has been working all day, how can he have time to ask for a wife.

He decided that he should make good use of this half-day vacation.

Nangong Yuting gave a cold "hmm" and waved his hand, indicating that he could leave.

Feng Zhe said "Good night, boss" with a smile, and left the imperial garden happily.

Go back to the room.

Nangong Yuting charged the phone first, and then went to take a shower.

When he came out of the wash, he was wearing a bathrobe, his hair was still dripping, and he exuded a strong breath.

Fortunately, there are no girls here...

He just stepped on the floor with his bare feet, not afraid of the cold at all.

After walking to the bedside and sitting down, he realized that his mobile phone hadn't been turned on yet.

Nangong Yuting wiped her hair with a towel with one hand, and pressed the power button with the other.

In the next second, he paused for wiping, staring fixedly at the newly popped-up message.

Circle: [By the way, what's your bank card number, I'll send you the money I settled earlier. 】

Nangong Yuting was helpless.

His circle, he is still so clearly separated from her...

(End of this chapter)

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