The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 325 Don't Worry Yourself

Chapter 325 Don't Worry Yourself
It never occurred to Chi Yutong that she only said one word, and the other party would tell her so much!
Now it is still related to Quan Jing.


"Can you say that again."

The cold words rang faintly in that person's ears.

The man was about to speak subconsciously. When he saw the speaker, his slightly opened mouth moved, but he didn't dare to say a word.

Who dares to say?
That's Witch Sheng!

If you provoke her, it doesn't matter who you are, just beat her up until even your parents don't recognize you.

The man snorted, and muttered in a low voice, "I can't tell others what I've done? I've seen it today, and our school girl, Quan Da, is nothing more than that."

Even though he spoke lightly, Quan Jing was so close to him, and she was not deaf, so she naturally listened to what he said word for word.

She understands each word separately, but when connected... She doesn't understand it.

What do you mean when you do something that others can't say?What did she do? He wants to say that!
After a good meal, he lost his appetite because of this episode.

Quan Jing said "I don't want to eat", and went back to the dormitory first.

As soon as she left, Sheng Ke squeezed her fist to warn the group of people, and then raised her foot to catch up.

Chi Yutong and Ye Qingqing looked at each other, and finally followed.

Along the way, no one spoke.

Back in the dormitory again, Quan Jing was silent, Sheng Ke leaned against the wall with his arms folded, staring at Quan Jing.

Chi Yutong wanted to use something to cushion his stomach, but he also knew that it was not suitable now.

She was next to Ye Qingqing, and the two sat close to each other.

Ding Dong!

The abrupt WeChat notification sounded in this quiet dormitory.

Everyone looked at the reputation, and looked at Quan Jing in unison.

In the next second, Quan Jing took out her mobile phone from the pocket of her coat, and at a glance, she saw the message Quan Rin had sent her.

Fat Lin: [Sister, do you know this person? 】

Fat Rin: [picture jpg]

Quan Jing clicked on the picture, and she recognized it immediately, it was her and... Wu Jingwen?

But this photo...

Quan Jing frowned, typed a sentence and sent it: "Where did you get this photo?"

Quan Lin replied in seconds: "It's on Weibo."

After staring at the word "Weibo" for a long time, Quan Jing suddenly smiled.

Weibo again!

Does she have a grudge against Weibo or something?

It was just this time and twice that Quan Jing didn't want to register on Weibo more and more.

These people really have nothing to do!

Now, she can guess without even thinking about it. There must be another hot search about her on Weibo right now.

Quan Jing smiled very nicely, but her smile just now made people feel sad for no reason.

Chi Yutong endured his hungry and shriveled stomach, smacked his mouth twice, and whispered: "Little fairy, are you okay?"

Quan Jing was slightly taken aback by the voice in his ears.

After a while, she smiled sweetly: "I'm fine. You don't need to worry about me, go to a cafeteria and have something to eat while you still have time."

Who knows, let alone Ye Qingqing, even Chi Yutong shook his head again and again.

Knowing that they were worried about her, Quan Jing chuckled: "I'm really fine, you don't have to worry about me, it's not good to be hungry, don't wrong yourself, huh?"

Her voice was so bewitching that Chi Yutong almost fell into it.

But she still held back: "It's okay, I won't die of hunger."

Quan Jing: "..."

Ye Qingqing: "..."

Sheng Ke, who was still leaning against the wall, remained expressionless.

After a while, Quan Jing tilted her head: "Then... why don't we order takeaway tonight?" No matter what, she couldn't wrong her caring roommate just because she was angry.

(End of this chapter)

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