The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 329 Invite Quan Jing to Attend

Chapter 329 Invite Quan Jing to Attend
Han Dongqing didn't want Quan Jing to be distracted, and told her to read the script carefully, and she had other things to do.

For a while, Quan Jing was silent.

All along, Han Dongqing has arranged all her affairs well.

She seems to be too "sitting and enjoying".

Since she was a child, Wen Shuwan taught her that as much as she wanted, she had to pay for it.

But since her debut, she feels that she has given too little, too little...

Quan Jing called in a hoarse voice: "Sister Han."

Hearing that something was wrong with her voice, Han Dongqing paused when he hung up the phone: "Huh?"

In the next second, Quan Jingyou said sweetly and carefully, "Thank you."

Han Dongqing raised her eyebrows: "What are you talking about?"

There was a bright smile on the corner of Quan Jing's mouth: "It's nothing, I just wanted to thank you suddenly." Thank you for tolerating me, thank you for what you have done for me, thank, that's all.

Knowing that the child was thinking too much, Han Dongqing enlightened her a few words.

While talking, there was a new call from Han Dongqing, and the two hung up the phone.

Star Culture.

Qin Jing's personal lounge.

Song Zhen walked up to Qin Jing with an invitation letter: "This is the invitation letter for the Starry Night Party from Orange TV. You should dress up well and attend with me that day."

Qin Jing reached out to take it, looked at that she was attending as a guest, looked up at Song Zhen, and asked, "Singing again?"

Song Zhen said "hmm", sat aside, and continued to flip through the remaining cooperation proposals: "That's what the organizer requested."

Qin Jing frowned fiercely.

She sang every day for so many years, and she almost got tired of singing!
And it was those songs over and over again, she didn't know what to sing?

And Song Zhen, why didn't she learn from Han Dongqing, at least she accepted a web drama for Quan Jing.

Although it's a web drama, it's also a heroine!

But what about her?In addition to singing or singing, in front of those fans, she still has to put on a show, she is really fed up!
Swiping Weibo like venting anger.


Orange TV V: [Starry night party, whose arrival are you looking forward to? @木云智@安叶林@……@秦静#权静#]

Qin Jing never expected that a newcomer would get so much attention now!

She took this Weibo directly and pointed it to Song Zhen: "Sister Zhen, Quan Jing is also participating in this starry night party?"

Song Zhen glanced at it, and responded lightly: "It should."

As if knowing what Qin Jing was thinking, Song Zhen went on to say: "Do what you are supposed to do, and ignore other things that you shouldn't care about."

It's this sentence again!
Qin Jing gritted her teeth with hatred in her heart.

If she hadn't reached the queen level, she would have applied to the company for a different agent.

I don't know if she is at odds with Song Zhen, she is always against her!

If she had a manager like Han Dongqing who protected her weaknesses...

However, she could only think about it.

Han Dongqing, who was being talked about by Qin Jing, answered a phone call and was completely stunned: "Wait, you just said... Let Quan Jing attend the starry night party held by Orange Channel?"

The person on the other end of the phone is Wang Jun, the director of Orange TV.

When Han Dongqing received the call, she almost suspected that the other party had made a mistake.

In the end, the other party said categorically that he was calling her.

He also said that he was inviting Quan Jing to attend the starry night party.

To be honest, I had brought Tang Rushi with me for so long before, and Orange TV had never invited Tang Rushi once, how could it be Quan Jing's turn...

Han Dongqing laughed and teased: "Master Wang, please don't bury me."

(End of this chapter)

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