The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 332 Music Classroom

Chapter 332 Music Classroom
There are not many classes on Wednesday, and at [-]:[-] in the afternoon, the day's class is over.

Quan Jing was thinking about the progress of her new song, and said to Sheng Ke who was packing her schoolbag: "A Ke, come with me to the music classroom."

Sheng Ke said without a word: "Okay."

The teaching building is about 15 minutes away from the music classroom.

However, because of the photo incident on Weibo, some people in the school had a slightly different impression of Quan Jing.

As a result, on the way to the music classroom, Quan Jing saw many people pointing at her.

She had seen that look a lot before.

Sheng Ke heard someone speak ill of Quan Jing behind his back, and frowned.

Where Quan Jing couldn't see, she turned her head and stared coldly at those sneaky figures.

The music classroom is currently having a vocal class.

Many students gathered inside.

When Quan Jing and Sheng Ke arrived, they heard the sound of a piano coming from the classroom.

For Quan Jing, who is a tenth-grade piano player, ordinary piano sounds can no longer attract her.

The two stood outside the classroom for a while, and then heard the teacher say "get out of class is over".

Students came out one after another.

When they saw Quan Jing standing outside, the group of students were surprised at first sight, but screamed at the second sight.

"Ahh! The little fairy has come to our classroom!"

"Little Fairy, I like you so much, can you sign it for me?"

"Aww, little fairy, I love you!"


People who study music are more "simple" than other people.

The commotion outside was a bit loud, and it shocked Xia Tian who was still collecting scores inside.

Xia Tian is 30 years old this year. She is a high-achieving female student at a provincial music academy, with a grade nine piano.

After graduating, she worked as a music teacher at Diyi Academy. Her reputation was very good, and the students liked her very much.

Hearing the sound and walking outside the classroom, when he saw Quan Jing, Xia Tian's eyes were amazed.

This girl is so beautiful.

The next second, Xia Tian said kindly: "Student, what do you want?"

Quan Jing smiled slightly, and asked very politely: "Teacher, I want to use the music classroom. Is it convenient?"

Today's class is over, so it's okay to use the music classroom.


Seeing the hesitation in Xia Tian's eyes, Quan Jing's sweet voice sounded again: "I'm here to borrow the piano."

Apart from the music classroom, she couldn't think of a ready-made piano anywhere in the huge Diyi.

The girl's eyes were too clear, reflecting her shadow, making Xia Tian unable to say the words of rejection.

She nodded: "Yes, you can use it, and remember to lock the door when you leave."

Quan Jing smiled brightly: "Thank you teacher."

After saying "You're welcome", Xia Tian lifted his foot and left.

She left, but the group of students did not.

Watching Quan Jing and Sheng Ke walk into the classroom, a group of people followed.

Some of these people have watched "Enjoy Music" and know Quan Jing's performance on the show.

Now that they have the opportunity to listen to the live version, how could they be willing to leave?

Fortunately, this group of people knew how to measure and stood obediently on the side without disturbing Quan Jing.

Quan Jing took out the sheet music of the new song from her bag, adjusted the key, and then started playing.

The rhythm at the beginning is very brisk, and people can't help but shake their heads along with it.

The melody in the middle is gentle, like running water, but also like a breeze...

The high-pitched area makes people's scalp tingle and goosebumps all over their bodies.

The whole song, pure accompaniment, is amazing.

Those who were still huddled and noisy, became as quiet as a chicken after Quan Jing finished the song.

Wow, what song is this?How come they haven't heard of it before!

(End of this chapter)

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