The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 334 Court Subpoena

Chapter 334 Court Subpoena
Male dormitory, room 369.

Quan Rin hung up the phone and stared at a boy holding a bench and a keyboard standing on either side of him.

Zhou Hao, who had said a few words to the goddess, walked to Quan Lin's side contentedly, hooked his neck, and said to the two boys: "Haifan, Ajie, put the things down."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Quan Lin with a smile: "Fatty, let's discuss something."

Quan Lin knew what Zhou Hao was thinking without even thinking about it.

He pushed away the other party's hand hanging around his neck, and snorted: "No discussion."

Sitting on the chair, he picked up the water glass on the table and took a sip.

Ever since these guys knew that Quan Jing was his sister, they asked him for her sister's contact information over and over again.

Is he someone who gives in so easily?

Of course... If they hadn't threatened him with his manly dignity, he wouldn't have let them talk to his sister!
Fortunately, all of them are cornets.

Even if he saw it, they didn't know his sister's number.

Quan Lin felt a little proud.

Completely forgot, he had mentioned it to someone before...

During this time, Nangong Yuting was very busy.

Maybe it's almost the end of the year, and there are many things.

No, he just finished an emergency meeting.

While walking to the office, he told Feng Zhe: "There are a lot of things in the company recently, you work hard, work overtime, and your salary will be doubled."

Feng Zhe has long been used to it, and only nodded in agreement: "Yes, boss."

Back in the office, Nangong Yuting glanced at the date on the computer, it was the 18th, and there were three days left.

He took out his mobile phone and clicked on the chat window between him and Quan Jing.

Looking at the records of the two, he slightly pursed his lips.

On the screen, the chat history was still stuck on the message that she asked him for the card number, Nangong Yuting lowered her eyes.

He was too busy to take care of her, but she...

Nangong Yuting rubbed the center of his brows, and said leisurely: "What activities does Quanquan have in the near future?"

Feng Zhe took out his iPad and looked at Weibo first. Han Dongqing didn't post anything.

He's about to quit...

Wait, what is that?
He handed over the tablet tremblingly: "Boss, it seems that something happened to Miss Quan Jing again."

Upon hearing this, Nangong Yuting frowned fiercely.

He took the iPad, and immediately saw the topic about Quanjing on Weibo.

In the next second, his tone was cold and stern: "Where is Xun Yi?"

Feng Zhe couldn't help but prayed for a candle: "It's on vacation."

Nangong Yuting put the tablet on the table with a snap: "Call him back and tell him that starting today, he will add one more job to deal with all the news on the Internet that is not good for Quanquan!"

As if thinking it wasn't enough, he added another sentence: "By the way, find out all the rumormongers who made false statements, and the court summons."

Having said that, Nangong Yuting got up and walked to the window, the cold words rang out again.

He said: "No one can escape unscathed after hurting her. I want them... to pay the price they deserve."

Feng Zhe didn't speak.

After following Nangong Yuting for so long, he knows very well that the boss is very angry now...

After staying there for a while, making sure that Nangong Yuting had no other orders, Feng Zhe leaned over to him: "Boss, if you have nothing to do here, I'll go down first."

Nangong Yuting said "Yes", and Feng Zhe left.

When Feng Zhe disappeared, looking at the scenery outside the window, Nangong Yuting put his hands behind his back, his eyes became colder.

His circle, he couldn't bear to say a word to her, how could those people have the heart?

(End of this chapter)

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